The Doctor and his companion, Ruby Sunday, travel across time and space, having adventures from the Regency era in England to war-torn future worlds, from the dawn of human history to distant alien worlds. Throughout their adventures in the TARDIS – a time-traveling ship shaped like a police box – they encounter incredible friends and dangerous foes, including a terrifying bogeyman and the Doctor's most powerful enemy yet. And everywhere they go, they find adventure, terror, fun, chases, joy, and monsters.

  • Currently 59.642857142857146/5
(56 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 6.8/10
Released: November 25, 2023
Genres: Adventure Drama Sci-Fi
Countries: United Kingdom
Companies: BBC iPlayer Bad Wolf BBC Studios Productions
Cast: David Tennant Catherine Tate Nicola Coughlan Varada Sethu Ncuti Gatwa Millie Gibson
Crew: Steven Moffat Russell T. Davies Jane Tranter Julie Gardner Julie Anne Robinson Phil Collinson Joel Collins Vicki Delow Alison Sterling

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Boraes 15 points 1 year ago. 1/5 stars.

Awful. Worst series yet. Classic BBC lack of creativity.

THeRealMisterPink 7 points 8 months ago.

RIP Dr Who

dbob 10 points 1 year ago.

A reasonable person accepts society as it is and gets on with his day. An unreasonable person insists on changing society to confirm their beliefs. Thus All social change occurs on an unreasonable scale the pendulum constantly swings far to the right then far to the left then back again. The pendulum is never in a position where all people are made to feel as if their beliefs are being validated but at some point in the cycle the pendulem briefly validates each of us as it swings past….

random000 5 points 1 year ago.

Wisdom. Universal. (((big hug)))

Cannabliss 1 points 1 year ago.

Very well said <3

SoakedWeasel 6 points 8 months ago.

This is unrecognizable as Dr Who, apparently the Doctor is now a coward in every episode.
What is it with the unbearable musical numbers in every episode? I cannot watch any more, it’s just too painful. Musical numbers are not new and radical, they have been around for an awfully long time. They are just so jarring, out of place and just bad.

For the first time in my life, I am not excited to watch Dr Who. I feel like I have lost a friend and a part of my identity. Congratulations BBC / Disney, you have lost a lifelong mega fan.

FillipW 4 points 8 months ago. 1/5 stars.

i grew up watching

Dr Who. He was never racist or judgmental

FillipW 6 points 1 month ago. 1/5 stars.

I grew up off of Dr who. now i find it repulsive

breakmebad 6 points 8 months ago. 1/5 stars.

The Timelord Victorious, is no more… Even though the specials were mid (at best), I was still holding onto a tiny shred of hope that the new season could hit the ground running… Instead, it just face-planted over and over and over again. After watching the first two episodes, any remaining hope I had is basically dead. I’ll reluctantly stick with the rest of the season just to give it a truly fair shake, but I think this just might be what finally kills ‘Doctor Who’ for good. I’ll revise my rating at the end of the season if needed, but for now, it’s a 1.5/5 and that’s being generous.

MyDogLikesMe 6 points 8 months ago. 1/5 stars.

What a massive disappointment, this comes close to being the worst piece of trash I’ve seen … and that’s including fanfics. I doubt there’s any coming back from this.

grasshopper rex 7 points 1 year ago*. 4/5 stars.

All this whining is making me want to start watching Doctor Who.

kerfy 6 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

I don’t care if the Doc regens as a 8 year old , as long as its still the doctor.. its the actor that fills the role.. the rest is just blah blah .. Nobody whined about Missy .. a phobia is a fear of something.. not a dislike for it.. So calling folks names that just are incorrect don’t seem like it makes a lot of sense.. Funny how some just go straight to the name callling with no actual exchange of points of view.. Lol .. That in itself speaks volumes..

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etim 1 points 1 year ago.

Nobody hates just for the sake of hating—there’s always a reason for it.
And that reason is pretty much always fear.

kerfy 1 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

distrust a big one.. and yep some folks really do just hate for the sake of it..

Dekeon1969 1 points 1 year ago.

golf clapDoesn’t want to be labeled something incorrectly or get in trouble for voicing his concerns about something again

Cutoff 4 points 8 months ago. 1/5 stars.

This doctor is horrible! NO doctor would choose running as a first option, and they sure as heck wouldn’t cry, unless one of their companions was leaving or dead. Hopefully they either toughen him up or find a tougher one to replace him. Ruby, on the other hand, is awesome! I like her as a companion.

Cutoff 2 points 8 months ago. 1/5 stars.

Amen! Running, crying, what happened to the Doctor, he’s become a scared little kid. I honestly don’t really care about all the other stuff, it’s just the fact that the Doctor’s turned into a whinny, scared little b#$ch is what is turning me off.

DoctorTube 1 points 8 months ago.

Maybe in this series they are trying to show a more feminine side to him? I don’t know? I with you I always thought the Doctor had to be tough for those around him. I mean after all the things he has seen he would have to have a tough skin. Yeah I really only still watching because of Ruby. It too bad she is done after this season. Maybe the next regeneration will be her and I wouldn’t mind that one bit. :)

hellsingfan01 0 points 8 months ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Well to be fair he was crying because he thought that Ruby had died and while The Doctor doesn’t run from danger he does run when things get to be much like for example the time war but otherwise yes they should toughen this version of The Doctor up by quite a bit.

greyfur 1 points 8 months ago. 2/5 stars.

He was crying long before that. He is a serious ‘emo’ doctor. Starting to get on my nerves what they are doing with this incarnation of him…

hellsingfan01 1 points 8 months ago.

Yeah OK then that’s fair.

Kurtclearwater 6 points 1 year ago*.

bringing David Tennant and Catherine Tate back together again is the only thing keeping me from overlooking the overdone girl power crap.. talk about star beasts lol

Mirela1 4 points 8 months ago.

ok can officially say what ever Disney gets their hands in is going to be trash, sad

kerfy 3 points 8 months ago. 5/5 stars.

No poop eh.. I need to tear ny eyes out and wash them after trying to watch the first episode..

DanoJones47 4 points 8 months ago.

What a train-wreck. I’ll just re-watch the 80s episodes.

Mikeonalpha 2 points 8 months ago.

Not the same without Sara Jane!!!

User67 0 points 8 months ago. 1/5 stars.

Sarah Jane

Lazeistheman2 4 points 8 months ago.

RIP DR. WHO 2024. trash

LostSorcerer 3 points 1 year ago.

Why is this separate from the main series?

TacocaT 4 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

These are the specials. They come in between the seasons of the show and are often hard to place when sorting what shows go where. The first one is actually children in need and was only a 5 minute clip on YouTube from what I’ve been able to gather.

and tonight is the first full length episode Doctor Who: The Star Beast (2023) and it aired about 20 minutes ago on Disney plus. I’m hoping some very nice person gets it uploaded in a day or two but I have had trouble finding the older specials so who knows.

eLLo 3 points 1 year ago.

This is the whole special. Thankfully the people here upload stuff really quick. I appreciate all the uploaders. Thanks for this. I’ve been waiting for this special. David Tennant is back!

TacocaT 1 points 1 year ago. 5/5 stars.

I loved it. Great show. Next is the wild blue yonder on Dec 2. I can’t wait.

grasshopper rex 3 points 8 months ago. 4/5 stars.

Disney only bought the streaming rights. They have no creative control of the show. Russell Davies has complete creative control. Sony, the BBC, Bad Wolf Studios and Disney can offer input, but in the end Davies is the only one calling the shots. He has said before that he is a fan of Disney, in particular Pixar, and that he wanted to add more fantasy elements to the show. Anyone not liking it should blame Davies, not Disney, but for many that won’t fit into the anti-Disney narrative some are pushing now.

kerfy 1 points 8 months ago. 5/5 stars.

folks will adjust what they write in order to attract a buyer.. buyers will buy what they like.. so its safe to presume either way.. is there an anti-anti-disney movement ? .. lol thats a lot of ants being chucked around.. I thought the maestro was a well played character.. much better than the portrayal of the doctor.. I at least could watch the whole second episode..

grasshopper rex 1 points 8 months ago. 4/5 stars.

Disney didn’t buy the show. BBC still owns it. Disney only has distribution rights. I can’t speak for anyone but myself, I’m not pro Disney, just anti-nonsense.

kerfy 1 points 8 months ago. 5/5 stars.

lol, the point is money was paid.. and yes disney “bought” the distribution rights. All I know , is I didn’t much like the first episode, due to the way the doctor was portrayed.. The gender-ish stuff that in referred to with the whole “Disney” thing don’t matter to me, in sci-fi, cause sci-fi has always explored different viewpoints and “cultural” thangs.. I , myself believe that is good for the thinking mind, wether I like it or not.. I think it falls under the speculative fiction blanket..

hellsingfan01 1 points 8 months ago.

That depends on what your talking about as for example Disney putting huge amounts of money into the show is a good thing but changing it so that the Americans technically get it ahead of us British does seem like an odd move.

grasshopper rex 3 points 8 months ago. 4/5 stars.

I’m only referring to content, distribution decisions are theirs to make and seeing as how they bought the streaming rights it does make sense they would release it on their own platform 1st.

hellsingfan01 3 points 8 months ago.

Not when you take into account that the show is and always has been a British institution with the show itself being made and produced in the UK and when the show did air episodes worldwide at the same time they always put the UK audience first.

grasshopper rex 2 points 8 months ago. 4/5 stars.

The show has a viewership of almost twice the population of the UK. Like it or not, it belongs to the world now. The BBC is British television, and they went into this deal knowing full well that this would happen. You can’t blame the player for how the game is played.

hellsingfan01 1 points 8 months ago.

True but you can blame them for making a move that makes alot of the UK fanbase who they should pleasing very angry.

trillianregina 1 points 8 months ago.

“a lot” [citation needed]

grasshopper rex -3 points 8 months ago. 4/5 stars.

With all that’s going on in the world, that seems a silly thing for people to get mad about.

hellsingfan01 -5 points 8 months ago.

Your talking about Doctor Who fans we get upset every single time a new actor is cast as The Doctor lol.

cocorific 1 points 1 month ago.

I’ve been a fan since the mid 70’s, imagine all the heartbreak I’ve experienced! lol

grasshopper rex 0 points 8 months ago. 4/5 stars.

Fan is short for fanatic, so there is that. ;)

hellsingfan01 2 points 8 months ago.

You can be a fan of something and not be a fanatic as all you’d have to is have legitimate issues with whatever that your a fan off.

Elvis Gump 3 points 8 months ago.

I said it was going to be terrible and I was so right.
I bet Disney execs are probably deciding who to blame for sinking money into this deal and a lot of people are going to get sacked and deservedly so.
Just Terrible - even worse than I expected.

greenguy86 0 points 8 months ago.

For what reason? Because you didn’t like it? Boo hoo, take your ball and go home.

Joey89 2 points 8 months ago. 1/5 stars.

Stunning and brave

kerplunk111 2 points 1 year ago. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

I wont be watching DR WHO any more its being ruined now. hope regeneration happens again soon!!!

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hellsingfan01 2 points 8 months ago.

Just finished watching episodes one and two back to back with episode two having the better plot that’s more suited for being premiere episode of anew series where as the plot of Space Babies having a plot that’s more suited to that of a Doctor Who Christmas special.

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DeoVindice 0 points 8 months ago*. 1/5 stars.

They had a slip when they did season 3 of our new age doctor and they quickly realized that. They got away with their feminazi Amelia with the boyfriend who was a nurse and subservient to her. Then with Clara they had such a good storyline and ruined it completely with her Boyfriend the P.E teacher and replaced her with a clown as the Doctors assistant. Its just been unwatchable superwoke garbage propaganda since season 10. Instead of doing what people liked they did what they wanted people to like and us people said NO. This is trash. They even knew that with Rose tyler and her Boyfriend. There is a reason she didn’t stay longer. Enjoy the world we have for not taking stand for so long and letting the insane take over across the board. Obviously this spans well beyond film and TV.

torrac 1 points 1 year ago.

Tis like a calendar how many Dr’s dae ye know whit Who….

cocorific 2 points 1 month ago.

My 21 year old son can explain all of them, right back to William Hartnell. It is amazing how much he remembers of a show that is more than twice as old as him.

16jazzlyn16 1 points 8 months ago.

Technically series 14. Not sure about the doctor choice. The doc always changes but never orientation. Lets see what this season brings.

hellsingfan01 1 points 8 months ago.

Yeah that is something that is going to take some getting used especially as there really wasn’t a presendent set for it before now unlike a time lord becoming a female for example.

grasshopper rex 1 points 8 months ago. 4/5 stars.

Actually, the reboot in 2005 set the precedent. Technically, this would be what, season 40?

hellsingfan01 2 points 8 months ago.

Not for changing the characters ethnic orientation there isn’t.

grasshopper rex 3 points 8 months ago. 4/5 stars.

How is ethnicity in any way relevant? Never mind. That’s my cue to disengage.

hellsingfan01 3 points 8 months ago.

It was quite literally what this entire conversation was about not in a bad way just saying how it was weird that they suddenly do it when there was no president set for it happen in the first place.

grasshopper rex -1 points 8 months ago*. 4/5 stars.

Orientation is about sexual identity, not ethnicity. Ethnicity is your cultural background or race. Given that they always kind of made it up as they went along and that early on it was established that regeneration heals the body and rejuvenates, but there are changes in appearance and personality. Given that, it seems like anything goes as long as the Doctor is still Gallifreyan and therefore humanoid in appearance. Unless I missed something, I don’t believe it was ever stated that all Gallifreyan are the same color or of the same sexual orientation.

hellsingfan01 2 points 8 months ago.

Well in one of the last Peter Capaldi seasons they did have an episode where a timelord regenerates into a woman as well as having Missy a female incarnation of The Master but no where in either the original series is it stated that a time lord can change race.

tabularascal 1 points 7 months ago.

It wasn’t a train-wreck, and that feels like a win. sigh

The stories of this season were some of the best in years. (I realize what faint praise I’ve damned them with, but I said what I said.) I loved “The Church on Ruby Road” so much! It was like watching Labyrinth for the first time, except without getting dye from my girlfriend’s mohawk all over my shirt. “The Devil’s Chord” and “Dot and Bubble” were also very well done, and “Rogue” was some wonderfully subversive meta fan service.

Millie Gibson has been perfect as the first official Disney+ princess-companion. She will be missed, though I’d loved to have seen a character with any amount of psychological depth to go along with her perky everything and skill as an emotive actor. And Ncute Gatwa has done a fine job as Peter Pan to her Wendy. I just hope now that Tick-Tock is dead, that they give him more to do than campy struts and leaking saline. His range is amazing; he just needs more amazing lines to go with it——not just one-liners.

And… would it kill him to reverse the polarity once in a while?! Honestly! I feel like the showrunners spend most of their time running scared from the canon. It makes me wonder why they even want to be doing Doctor Who, or if that’s what they want at all. So it was nice to see a baddy from days of yore, even such a minor one, make a reappearance.

As I said, the ideas were great. But unfortunately a lot of the dialog was pretty weak. That’s my biggest criticism. But it didn’t leave me questioning my life choices, like most of Chibnall’s and no few of Moffat’s scripts did. Overall, I’d say it’s a big improvement, and it leaves me hopeful for the future.

tardisrider 1 points 7 months ago.

ok now iv’e seen whole series i like this doctor, except in the past the dr is always the smartest person in the room, i don’t get that feeling with this incarnation, he seems a bit emotional. but that is the writing, seems russel davies has lost a step or two. i still don’t understand the need to start over again w season 1, but then again i didn’t think they should have last time…js

robstew522 1 points 8 months ago.

it’s time for another regeneration. How about James Norton?

16jazzlyn16 1 points 7 months ago.

I didn’t watch the special episodes before watching this season. I should have watched Giggle 1st then Ruby road.

hellsingfan01 1 points 7 months ago.

Before watching The Giggle watch The Star Beast and Wild Blue Yonder if you haven’t done so already that is.

hellsingfan01 1 points 8 months ago.

Not long to go now until the new series of Doctor Who starts up finally.

greenguy86 1 points 8 months ago.

So weird that it airs here first. A first for everything!

hellsingfan01 1 points 8 months ago.

Yeah weirdly the Americans are getting the better time slot ahead of us British.

DeoVindice 3 points 8 months ago. 1/5 stars.

Well considering how horrible it is and has been for years. The brits should be thankful and to get an early warning. DONT WATCH.

hellsingfan01 1 points 8 months ago.

That’s more down to personal taste then anything else while yes the Jodie era was bad it’s still far to early to tell if the samething will be true for this new era of the show.

LostSorcerer 1 points 8 months ago.

It is set to release at Midnight GMT on BBC iPlayer(in less than an hour from now).

User67 1 points 8 months ago. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

So Mundy doesn’t return till season 2 then becomes the 2nd companion

BillSmugs 1 points 8 months ago.

Episodes 3 and 4 were really excellent !!

hellsingfan01 0 points 8 months ago.

Episode 3 but 4 is just meh at best but episode 4 really does have some really good acting from Millie Gibson but that twist was really predictable.

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aceface 4 points 1 year ago.

its a south park reference about current state of media theres alot of truths to it if you choose to ignore it based on fear of bigotry you are indeed pathetic

tardisrider 1 points 1 year ago*.

wait did you mean fear of bigotry or fear because of bigotry only ask ‘cause i stopped watching south park years ago

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hellsingfan01 -1 points 1 year ago.

The best thing about this show is the fact that there’s something in it for everyone if you don’t like this version of The Doctor then guess what there’s sixty years of over Doctors to choose from pick one and it’s always best to judge a take on The Doctor AFTER the actor has left the role not just when there starting out I think that we can all agree that the Jodie Whittaker era of the show is the worst era of modern Doctor Who but that doesn’t make her a bad actress as does your own personal takes on this new Doctor so let’s just give the show a chance after all no Doctor knocks it out of the park on their first episode and let’s judge the show with actual criticism about the show and not what are own personal political beliefs are.

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User67 0 points 8 months ago. 1/5 stars.

Its no award winning Season unless its in the rainbow category.