Doctor Who (2023)
grasshopper rex -1 points 9 months ago*.

Orientation is about sexual identity, not ethnicity. Ethnicity is your cultural background or race. Given that they always kind of made it up as they went along and that early on it was established that regeneration heals the body and rejuvenates, but there are changes in appearance and personality. Given that, it seems like anything goes as long as the Doctor is still Gallifreyan and therefore humanoid in appearance. Unless I missed something, I don’t believe it was ever stated that all Gallifreyan are the same color or of the same sexual orientation.

hellsingfan01 2 points 9 months ago.

Well in one of the last Peter Capaldi seasons they did have an episode where a timelord regenerates into a woman as well as having Missy a female incarnation of The Master but no where in either the original series is it stated that a time lord can change race.