Piglet : As I'm watching this episode an actor most of us know pops up! But it isn't Shawn Ashmore ...
yellow_rose1 : It was all the media talked about afterwards and Ireland was exposing their priests aroun...
Farmboy41 : Most had no understanding of that act and the ones that did stayed silent for the most par...
random000 : Okie dokie. Thank you Miss Ang.
Alien : Sending you a PM, Soph
Dethkids : Dang really? I missed this one, I'll take your word for it giving it a go...!
teteba : Solid comedy special
teteba : This movie has to stop to be a hidden gem and it should being watched by more people. I di...
yellow_rose1 : wow this looks amazing. Going on my watch list right now. Thanks for the uploads. :)
WeeKnighT : Season 1 actually has 13 episodes, re: IMDB
It was quite literally what this entire conversation was about not in a bad way just saying how it was weird that they suddenly do it when there was no president set for it happen in the first place.
Orientation is about sexual identity, not ethnicity. Ethnicity is your cultural background or race. Given that they always kind of made it up as they went along and that early on it was established that regeneration heals the body and rejuvenates, but there are changes in appearance and personality. Given that, it seems like anything goes as long as the Doctor is still Gallifreyan and therefore humanoid in appearance. Unless I missed something, I don’t believe it was ever stated that all Gallifreyan are the same color or of the same sexual orientation.