Doctor Who (2023)
DeoVindice 0 points 9 months ago*.

They had a slip when they did season 3 of our new age doctor and they quickly realized that. They got away with their feminazi Amelia with the boyfriend who was a nurse and subservient to her. Then with Clara they had such a good storyline and ruined it completely with her Boyfriend the P.E teacher and replaced her with a clown as the Doctors assistant. Its just been unwatchable superwoke garbage propaganda since season 10. Instead of doing what people liked they did what they wanted people to like and us people said NO. This is trash. They even knew that with Rose tyler and her Boyfriend. There is a reason she didn’t stay longer. Enjoy the world we have for not taking stand for so long and letting the insane take over across the board. Obviously this spans well beyond film and TV.