A noble family becomes embroiled in a war for control over the galaxy’s most valuable asset while its heir becomes troubled by visions of a dark future.
October 1st 2021 seems to be the closest to a concrete and final release date. It’s Warner Bros, so it will premier theatrically and on HBO Max simultaneously. Just like WW84, we’ll probably get a nice copy pretty quick. The sequel won’t have a greenlight until after the first film’s release, but I believe it has been being written since 2019. Aaand the prequel series, Dune: The Sisterhood is still planned to start filming this year.
I had NO idea they were remaking this movie! The original Dune with Patrick Stewart from the 80’s is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I always felt that it needed MORE when it ended…of course, at that time I didn’t realize it was based on a series of books which I am planning on reading very soon…is J.Momoa playing Paul Atreides aka Moadib? I have a hard time seeing that for the only reason that in the beginning of the movie, Paul was just a kid, a young man..Momoa has a certain intensity that he would have to tone down a bit to play a young naive Paul. Is there any previews/trailers for this yet?
This film will be the movie high of my year. I know it will be good and i’ll watch whatever crap cam we get first, because I can’t wait. The books are fantastic, I re-read them every few years. Top notch scifi! Frank Herbert was the best…
October 1st 2021 seems to be the closest to a concrete and final release date. It’s Warner Bros, so it will premier theatrically and on HBO Max simultaneously. Just like WW84, we’ll probably get a nice copy pretty quick. The sequel won’t have a greenlight until after the first film’s release, but I believe it has been being written since 2019. Aaand the prequel series, Dune: The Sisterhood is still planned to start filming this year.
I had NO idea they were remaking this movie! The original Dune with Patrick Stewart from the 80’s is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I always felt that it needed MORE when it ended…of course, at that time I didn’t realize it was based on a series of books which I am planning on reading very soon…is J.Momoa playing Paul Atreides aka Moadib? I have a hard time seeing that for the only reason that in the beginning of the movie, Paul was just a kid, a young man..Momoa has a certain intensity that he would have to tone down a bit to play a young naive Paul. Is there any previews/trailers for this yet?
I cant believe it took me three years to watch this…. That was awesome.. On to Part Two
Now expected In Theaters and HBO Max on Friday, Oct. 1, 2021.
US release is Oct 22, but it’s already rolling out in parts of Europe so hopefully we’ll get a decent cam copy before then.
This will be Awesome! But when will it come out??
This film will be the movie high of my year. I know it will be good and i’ll watch whatever crap cam we get first, because I can’t wait. The books are fantastic, I re-read them every few years. Top notch scifi! Frank Herbert was the best…