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Madison is paralyzed by shocking visions of grisly murders, and her torment worsens as she discovers that these waking dreams are in fact terrifying realities.

  • Currently 3.397849462365591/5
(93 votes)
Ratings: IMDB: 6.2/10
Released: September 10, 2021
Runtime: 111 min
Genres: Crime Horror Mystery
Countries: United States China
Companies: Atomic Monster Starlight Culture Entertainment New Line Cinema Warner Bros. Pictures Starlight International Media Midas Innovation BOOM! Studios
Cast: Annabelle Wallis Maddie Hasson George Young
Crew: James Wan Ingrid Bisu Akela Cooper

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Version 2 1 GB dood.watch 170 views Report Link
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Version 3 1 GB dood.watch 123 views Report Link
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Version 5 filelions.to 40 views Report Link
  • Currently 3.463768115942029/5
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Version 6 streamvid.net 22 views Report Link
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Kid Kryptonite 8 points 3 years ago.

Turned out to be better than expected. That twist really took me by surprise and stepped up the movie to another level. James Wan has shown he knows what he’s doing in horror with this unique killer.

SATURNINE999 2 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

Indeed—I was aghast at the overbearingly unendearing but dominating teratoma….gasp—SO GOOD!!!Cannot wait for better quality…

gashcas 6 points 3 years ago. 4/5 stars.

I thought this was great. schlocky, creepy and fun.
they haven’t taken themselves to seriously here so for me it was easy to let go and enjoy the ride.
easy 4/5 will watch again

SATURNINE999 3 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

Totally sick—absolutely loved it! Finally an original storyline with gripping effects, themes, music an’ lighting-very Argento~esque at his finest. 5*s Can’t wait—tomorrow’s supposed to be the dvd release. I admit I heard very little of the dialogue and scenes were shadowy and not exactly crisp—nonetheless I became enrapt by the domineering teratoma…lmao

slick_cherry 3 points 3 years ago.

This was great! Reminded me of those horror b movies from the 80s. EXCELLENT plot twist!

joshmajor1987 3 points 3 years ago. 4/5 stars.

Well that was different!!! Lol Worth a watch for sure, cam is OK. Sound isn’t great, I’ll be watching it again once it’s blu-ray.

ShadowWolf 4 points 3 years ago*. 3/5 stars.

Finally a unique twist and one with imagination! Imagination is something horror movies have been lacking for a very long time! The special effects were very cool! I really liked the story, for once I was stumped, i can usually guess from a mile away! My only complaint was, as the story came to it’s peak, I was really into it and wanted so badly to stay focused on the shock and horror of it all but unfortunately, for one scene in particular, I kept getting distracted by the special effects and had to continuously redirect my attention back to what was unfolding, heavily relying on my imagination to see me trough what my brain couldn’t get on board with. I just did my best to roll with it because it was too good a part to have ruined, simply by, choosing poorly on placement and execution of some special effects! Special effect can either add to, distract from or completely ruin a movie! In this case, for me, it was only that one part that was very distracting, otherwise this was a great little gem. I also feel that if you have any appreciation for horror stories and/or movies than you’ll respect the unique story telling and that it’s visually stimulating as well! Happy watching! Thanks PW :)
{PS. The recording itself is not very good, part of the screen is cut off, you can see enough to follow the story but if your not a diehard, you might want to wait for PW to release a better recording or DVD version}

onetoughcrowd 3 points 3 years ago. 4/5 stars.

Interesting and surprising. For a horror movie that was so out of the ordinary and different, creates a bigger challenge for actors to pull it off. And pull it off they did. Very impressed! Overall, storyline, Maurice, all of it, 4/5.

hic 2 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Loved it. Finally something slightly original n creepy.

tobbetuff 2 points 3 years ago.

a good old classic horror movie,liked it!

RomeoEchoDelta311784 2 points 3 years ago. 4/5 stars.

The action sequences I thought made the movie a bit disjointed. I enjoyed the horror aspect of it and overall it’s a fairly decent film and definitely different

nightnightmoon 2 points 3 years ago.

really good flick unique and a nice twist

Paulzpc 0 points 3 years ago. 1/5 stars.

This movie was crap, acting was crap, the story was awful, you should pass on this one. 0-1 thanks for uploading, but this was dreadful.

biker_71 1 points 3 years ago.

i made it 2/3’s of the way through and got distracted by something else. might finish it later at some point but there are better things to watch.

Karmah 1 points 3 years ago. 4/5 stars.

Not a bad little flick with a nice twist. Definitely worth the watch!

bigguy01 1 points 3 years ago.

this was much better than i thought it was going to be, there is one scene that is funny and the timing of it was brilliant. there would have been multiple endings to the film, dont there should be a 2nd film

kahlo 1 points 2 years ago.

Amazingly bizzare! Loved it!

Roy Batty 1 points 3 years ago. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

Had mad potential but left me feeling meh. At the very least the positive aspect is overcoming handicaps. lol

Whattheblood 1 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

5 stars

harryteze 1 points 3 years ago. 2/5 stars.

Silly movie that leaves more questions than answers. I guess the concept of conjoined twins makes for interesting horror movie premise but you’ve got to make it believable or have it make sense. 2.5/5 just for the action and gore.

SparrowsSong 1 points 3 years ago.

OMG…ayfkm?!?! Hollywood is this hard up that they’re reaching these levels of dumb? Started out good though. That’s about all I can say. If there’s a sequel, I’ll have a good laugh and skip it.

firedove10 1 points 3 years ago. 2/5 stars.

The ending killed it for me. Sorry. 2/5

ramfat 1 points 3 years ago. 2/5 stars.

I couldn’t stop laughing at this atrocity of a film.
I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle these people myself….just one stupid decision after another. The soundtrack was horrible, the CGI was lame. The last 30 minutes is so absurd I just couldn’t stop laughing. I guess when you are as established as James Wan, you can do whatever you want and studios will throw money at you, no matter how bad it is.

BellaMia1 1 points 2 years ago. 2/5 stars.

And this is why I watch less movies and more TV series instead. Especially since the beginning of the pandemic. Seems like James Wan has settled into a formulaic comfort, full of the usual clichés, that have existed in the horror genre for decades, now. When he first came about, it was refreshing to see his style of horror. But now, he seems to have lost his creative wand, just to follow into the trail of predictability. Now, I gave it 2 stars, because of the effects and the gore. The effects alone, were quite amazing and creepy as hell. And the gore was on point. But besides that, nothing that hasn’t been done before. And it’s sad, for I though this guy would be a redemption in modern horror. He quickly becoming the next M. Night Shyamalan. Makes a splash in the beginning, then settled into the routine.

SATURNINE999 0 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

I must absolutely say, our protagonist had KILLER HAIR EXTENSIONS—where the hell do I get mine, to hide me own Trauma Induced Alopecia Terratoma, EH?