‘NO NOT THE CLAPTON!!’ That totally caught me off guard & made me laugh. Love it when writers inject a bit of humor into serious scenes.
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Was really hoping they weren’t going to waste Rob. Liked the twist at the end of the episode. And I freaking love Wes. He is so mean and full of himself.
this movie rocks ball t2 the wall ! i dont care what u say try it do it live it !!
Onya Nerve shouting out to us here in the 330!!! :) Lexi killed that lipsync. Hermona Lisa needs to goooooooooo. Ugh. Horrible attitude & even worse stand up. So disappointed
I completely agree! …and he should’ve done Resident Evil. It would’ve been perfection with him at the helm!
Yeah I know, right? Guess now we’ll never know cuz he passed away obviously. Makes me mad when producers or whoever is in charge of casting make the wrong decision. The decision to NOT let George make the movie was definitely the wrong decision imo.
Amazing! Once you start, you won’t want to stop. Kim Coates, who plays Brigham Young, is superb in his role. You might remember him from Waterworld. There are so many great actors in this series. If you like westerns, this is your gig. Wow! Looking forward to watching this again.
Golly Gee Jeepers! According to ole’ Al Gore? We should all be living in an “Ice Age” due to that whole “Global Warming” thing like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” which he said would take place by now..way back in the 90ies.
Denying climate change in 2025 is just crazy. It’s literally irrefutable, denialists have moved on from “climate change isn’t real” to “okay, it’s real but not caused by humans”, so you’re way behind (still calling it global warming, lmao). Weather events are way more extreme. US infrastructure cant even keep up like how pipes were bursting in Texas from how cold it was. There are plenty of other recent examples as well. Scientists in antarctica have ice cores that show greenhouse gasses are way higher today (since the industrial revolution) than they have been in the last 800k years, by like 50% compared to Earth’s warmest periods. If you don’t think Humans are impacting the environment then you’re just profoundly ignorant.
And yeah, Al Gore is profiting off climate activism, which is wrong.
Al Gore has made an absolute garbage truck full of money off climate activism and investment, dude was getting like $50k a pop for speeches at one point. AFAIK he’s not really profiting from carbon credits specifically though, and in fact others who dislike Gore on both sides of the issue often accuse him of exactly the opposite - spending his fortune ON carbon credits to offset his own lavish lifestyle.
I’m sure some of his businesses make money from selling carbon credits, just like Tesla does. But for some reason you don’t hear people talking about Elon Musk making a fortune selling carbon credits, only Al Gore.
Al Gore, is that the guy that made a fortune from selling carbon credits hmmm
Well, that didn’t sound good, not even a little bit…
Golly Gee Jeepers! According to ole’ Al Gore? We should all be living in an “Ice Age” due to that whole “Global Warming” thing like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” which he said would take place by now..way back in the 90ies.
Our climate has always fluctuated. It’s definitely ALL a scam for money and control…. much like many other agendas.
Up until this point, it’s been a bit hokey/clunky. I know there is a lot of moving parts but there needs to be more cohesion.
Pretending that what an LLM says is documentary material? Absolutely inane.
this was awful. I never thought Id see Cate in a bad movie. Mostly good actors. Wasted. On shrooms.
Must see.
This a really long film, almost 2 1/2 hours. To say it is strange and odd is an understatement. Making the subject a musical turned it into bizarre. Tilda Swinton was a good pick for the mother. The guest did not seem well typecast, as she does not look like someone who was starving in a wasteland for years. I can’t say I enjoyed the film. I was more curious to check out the oddity.
Al Gore, is that the guy that made a fortune from selling carbon credits hmmm
Al Gore has made an absolute garbage truck full of money off climate activism and investment, dude was getting like $50k a pop for speeches at one point. AFAIK he’s not really profiting from carbon credits specifically though, and in fact others who dislike Gore on both sides of the issue often accuse him of exactly the opposite - spending his fortune ON carbon credits to offset his own lavish lifestyle.
‘I never knew dating was so complicated’, Oh, man that was priceless!🤣
Al Gore, is that the guy that made a fortune from selling carbon credits hmmm
Wrong Traitors
Idk how people keep uploading the wrong one. They were uploading UK as us a week B4 it was released. And they still uploading UK as us. But this is where you can find the new uks03e06 no one has uploaded it to the right place yet.
Golly Gee Jeepers! According to ole’ Al Gore? We should all be living in an “Ice Age” due to that whole “Global Warming” thing like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” which he said would take place by now..way back in the 90ies.
etim, I feel the same way you do. Even though the 70s were turbulent, I miss those days. The coming decades will be much more insidious if big tech, huge corporations, megalomaniacs, etc. aren’t reigned in.
The 70’s had some bad moments, I was in grade school in the 60’s and that was a turbulent decade! JFK shot, MLK shot, RFK shot, the Vietnam protest, the race riots and then the AIM movement too. Wounded Knee happened in the early 70’s. I was living in western Oklahoma and our little town was a farming community and it also had a large Cheyenne population. AIM arrived and stayed a couple of weeks, bomb threats to blow the public school up. I lived a block from school and we had a road basketball game and when we got back to the school, the coach wouldn’t let me walk home, she drove me home. But what I’m seeing now seems far, far worse! It’s like we’re going back in time with futuristic weapons of mass destruction.
Well made, scary, infuriating.
Many scenes, images make you wanna skip back and see again.
Often hard to tell which parts are the documentary and what is some near future sifi.
Kinda happy I’m an old fart who won’t be around to see if the whole flick all becomes a doc, but the way things are going, that’s what WILL happen.
Be sure to catch the little bit at the end of the credits.
etim, I feel the same way you do. Even though the 70s were turbulent, I miss those days. The coming decades will be much more insidious if big tech, huge corporations, megalomaniacs, etc. aren’t reigned in.
Not sure where, how or why you have drawn that conclusion but that is on you not I. My responce to you was a statment of fact that the author himself has addressed. You are welcome to take it up with the author to explain why you think his read order is incorrect. But if you want to turn this into a pissing contest of insults well that again is on you not I. I am now going to ignore anything you have to say from this moment on. Have a nice life.
unlike you I’m not stupid enough to suggest someone might have wrote a book and not wanting people to read it until he writes his next book lol. of course the order the books are written is the order to be read. that doesn’t take away from the chronological order. now go play with yourself from this moment on :p
Ok getting to see inside Solo’s place and his
story just made Silo a whole lot more interesting.
Three episodes in and it’s pretty drab. The saturated green film tone doesn’t make it more thrilling.
Ditto. It seems well made in many aspects but for the life of me I can’t get into it.
Yes, you can feel it around the world that they are pushing a lot of lies as fact through political manipulation and so many people cannot tell the difference.
And many of the people on the right know they are being lied to, but then go ahead and repeat the lies because they think it’s good for their team/tribe.
It’s really no good for anyone’s team.
any way to get subtitles?
I am about to send you a message, found somewhere with subtitles and you don’t have to click onto subtitles.
I just watched the pilot. It’s got similar father daughter relationship echoes going on that Shifting Gears is going for which… not sure what I think about that. It’s definitely no Lilyhammer, a great series starring Steven Van Zandt. THAT was a funny show. I’ll try another episode, see how it shakes out.
I forgot to mention Catherine Tate!!! She may be the one saving grace of this show. Have to give it a few episodes and, as I wrote above, see how it shakes out.
Now we are getting somewhere.
You said it!
But, almost sad now that there’s only one left before a long wait.
This has a bit of a MASH feeling about it poking fun at the US ARMY, but from some synopsis looks like it also tries to poke fun at The Netherlands which would be less fun..
I just watched the pilot. It’s got similar father daughter relationship echoes going on that Shifting Gears is going for which… not sure what I think about that. It’s definitely no Lilyhammer, a great series starring Steven Van Zandt. THAT was a funny show. I’ll try another episode, see how it shakes out.
Heij, err… does somebody know how(why) colored mash turns out clear at the end? I´m really interested to know that. Is it because of the destillation process itself?
I never stilled anything but I become more and more interested doing that, the hole nine yards.
Build a still, make some mash and run it- if it tastes crap then I still can use it as fuel…
Maybe I´d do that. Get to see with my own peepers what happens. And if it turns out clear I won´t ask anymore, just accept it.
Happy New Year, Everybody!
… No words. <3