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Long anticipated update to the 1994 Stephen King Classic, The Stand miniseries.
This is the event of the year for anyone who went to school with a copy of Stephen King’s 800-page novel weighing down their backpack. There’s plenty of thinkpieces on the themes of weaponized viruses and opposing forces of good and evil.
i still have my tattered copy that went everywhere, till finished!
That was so much better than I expected. Here’s to one of Stephen King’s greatest works getting the treatment it deserves - hope the show maintains the quality of that pilot
I just read that is new version is coming out in 2020. I sure hope its good. It seems to have a great cast
i didnt even know about it! Just came here looking for the original! i hope they dont chop the guts out of it for times sake.
Good so far, but not a fan of the way they’re cutting back and forth time jumps, it’s going to confuse if it sticks with that.
Best book ever. Can’t wait to watch.
fun fact :amber heard is actually not acting , she playing herself in this show LOL
Not my cup of tea. Boring and YAWN! 1-5 stars.
I have been waiting 2 years for this.. since I knew the remake was going to happen!!!It’s nearly here!
Well, I’m not overly impressed with the pilot, unfortunately, and was really looking forward to it. Will continue, but all this does, is make me want to get back into the book.
whats with the overly swollen necks..im pretty sure you’ld be dead from a blocked trachea long b4 u become jabba the hutCHOO…:P…read the book in
1978…great novel..worth the read…much better than either adoptation..so far…they should have at least re-cast kareem from the old series…”bring out your dead”..he was great at that
Awesome show so far for those who saw some of tee first episode and think its not really that good trust me it gets even better, this show is definantly not for kids clearly but I’m not complaining about the violence in just giving those that are going to watch it a heads up!w
I loved this book, the other series was okay, but I think this one is going to be very good. Of course, I want to read it again.
Two episodes in and I’m afraid I have some gripes. I absolutely love this book. Please go and read the unabridged version. I even liked the original miniseries. That said I have a few complaints. First is that this adaptation downplays the magnitude of the virus and the absolute chaos it creates. Of course there are scenes with lots of bodies around but they are extremely infrequent and very limited. This is due to the fact that they are already showing scenes from things that happen half way up to almost 2/3’s of the way through the novel. And that bugs me to death. I don’t mind nonlinear story telling but this just jumps right into the Mother Abigail and Randall Flagg alignments. This should have been introduced WAY later than the first two episodes. The whole mystery of the dreams and the pull towards whichever faction starts about halfway in the book and it’s what makes the story compelling when it’s introduced in the original way. Imagine if someone remade Star Wars and you get the opening with Leia and Darth Vader then the next scene is Luke on Dagobah. To me it’s that jarring. At this rate they should be done by episode 4. The casting was very unusual as well. Stu Redman is supposed to be this 40 something Texan but here he’s played by Cyclops. Mother Abigail is over 100 but yet they went with Whoopi. The deaf guy is missing an eye? Leon looks exactly like the deaf guy. And Eric Skaarsgard just isn’t menacing enough to pull off a diabolical character like Randall Flagg. This choice HAD to be because his brother did so well as Pennywise. I do like Larry Underwood’s casting choice and Harold’s as well. Even Nadine looks like the original Nadine. But all the rest just really take me out of the story. I also agree that the bloating just seems ridiculous as a symptom of this virus. It’s just overly done for dramatic purposes and doesn’t receive the desired result it tries to convey. I’m going to watch the full series but so far I’m having trouble enjoying it. But that’s just me being hypercritical simply because I love the source material so much. I highly urge whoever reads this to go out and get the book.
Quit voting when it hasn’t even premiered
the book was so good i couldn’t watch more than 5 min of the 1994 farce when it previewed. in this case, a remake is the best thing to happen since the book came out.
Wow, a mixed bag of actors in this new drama adapted from a Stephen King novel. Not sure about Amber Heard and she is my LEAST favorite actor and maybe her acting has gotten better. I won’t go into my issue with her and Johnny Depp. Will give this a go when it arrives in December.
I read this book while I was in jail in the 80’s, then the movie was released a few yrs later. I thought it was pretty good, Funny they would make and release this right now !!!! HHMMM oh well
On ep. 1 and so far it is pretty good.
The time jumps are a bit annoying, since only the 1st is labeled, but I’ll survive.
Everybody wants to put their 2 cents in (speaking of the producers) and I don’t mind that…….as long as it is entertaining.
I don’t like the time jumps either. Don’t know if they are worse if one never read the book, but I’d bet there is confusion lol.
the time jumps to me seem simple enough atm -everybody is dead dave or before the virus hit -eagerly looking forward to next weeks instalment -and so long as they dont turn into zombies i wil keep watching
Of course reading the book would help folks have an idea of what is coming next, but like most adapted from the novel works, they will explain things (if they are smart) coherently for the lay audience.
When I was a kid, that kind of non- specifically labeled time jumping was a no no, but maybe the current crop of consumers see it as an obvious trope to be blindly accepted, who knows.
its goooood. watch it! :P
I certainly prefered this over the 1994 version
This thing is all over the place regarding the timeline. Jumps so much that it is hard to keep interested. The 90’s version is far superior to this.
I’ve been a Stephen King fan for years! Many years ago I was a disk jockey and I had the midnight to 6 shift and I had to stay awake. Stephen King to the rescue! I’ve read most of his books and they helped to keep me awake since I was the only one in the building. But there was one book I had to put down, Misery! When Annie cut off his foot and thumb that was it. I also refused to watch those 2 scenes in the movie. So far, I’ve been pacing myself on finishing this series of The Stand. King always finds a way to needle us and to get under our skin in the most uncomfortable way! Wonder why Dean Koontz books haven’t been made into tv series? His books are intense too.
Watch the original. This is a real stinker. They add nothing new and spend way too much time focusing on the more metaphysical aspects of the book, where the book at the original made that only a sub plot until the end.
Stephen’s best ever novel.
Yes. Stephen King predicted this all back in 1978, when he wrote The Stand.
Good job, you cracked the case.
hahaha! good comeback! :)
And again in 1994 with Molly Ringwald. It only made it to 2 episodes because the CIA stopped it. See Molly Ringwald anywhere? lmao
Thanks Devs for creating the page which allows me to add it to my schedule! Cannot wait! I read this book way back when I was still in high school! I’m expecting this series to improve upon the previous one as this one will probably try to instill some current-events-related fears into viewers. Nonetheless, big faves in the cast: Skarsgard (doing what he does best), Goldberg (a meh Oracle), Marsden (finally fitting in his skin).
Of course, this is only based on the trailer but since I know the book it’s based on, Imma roll wid it!
I thought they said all episodes are streaming on CBS All Access. Hence the name ‘All Access’ lol. I’m guessing those who post episodes don’t have CBS All Access? Confused am i.
As of now there’s 2 episodes and as long as there’s not some crazy pointless twist, I’m hooked!! Lol I loved the idea and the book but everything else has fallen short, this on the other hand seems like it can only get better as the episodes progress.
ive watched enough…i read the book & know how it ends..dont really think stretching a book for 3 or 5 years/seasons by adding useless tidbits will improve it. just my 2 cents
Cringe at how the bad guys all have southern accents
Two episodes in and I’m afraid I have some gripes. I absolutely love this book. Please go and read the unabridged version. I even liked the original miniseries. That said I have a few complaints. First is that this adaptation downplays the magnitude of the virus and the absolute chaos it creates. Of course there are scenes with lots of bodies around but they are extremely infrequent and very limited. This is due to the fact that they are already showing scenes from things that happen half way up to almost 2/3’s of the way through the novel. And that bugs me to death. I don’t mind nonlinear story telling but this just jumps right into the Mother Abigail and Randall Flagg alignments. This should have been introduced WAY later than the first two episodes. The whole mystery of the dreams and the pull towards whichever faction starts about halfway in the book and it’s what makes the story compelling when it’s introduced in the original way. Imagine if someone remade Star Wars and you get the opening with Leia and Darth Vader then the next scene is Luke on Dagobah. To me it’s that jarring. At this rate they should be done by episode 4. The casting was very unusual as well. Stu Redman is supposed to be this 40 something Texan but here he’s played by Cyclops. Mother Abigail is over 100 but yet they went with Whoopi. The deaf guy is missing an eye? Leon looks exactly like the deaf guy. And Eric Skaarsgard just isn’t menacing enough to pull off a diabolical character like Randall Flagg. This choice HAD to be because his brother did so well as Pennywise. I do like Larry Underwood’s casting choice and Harold’s as well. Even Nadine looks like the original Nadine. But all the rest just really take me out of the story. I also agree that the bloating just seems ridiculous as a symptom of this virus. It’s just overly done for dramatic purposes and doesn’t receive the desired result it tries to convey. I’m going to watch the full series but so far I’m having trouble enjoying it. But that’s just me being hypercritical simply because I love the source material so much. I highly urge whoever reads this to go out and get the book.