In equal parts high-concept thriller and coming-of-age drama, Hanna follows the journey of an extraordinary young girl raised in the forest, as she evades the relentless pursuit of an off-book CIA agent and tries to unearth the truth behind who she is.

  • Currently 66.3768115942029/5
(69 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 7.6/10
Released: February 3, 2019
Genres: Action Drama Thriller
Companies: Prime Video NBCUniversal International Studios Amazon Studios Tomorrow Studios Working Title Television
Cast: Dermot Mulroney Ray Liotta Joel Kinnaman Noah Taylor Mireille Enos Esmé Creed-Miles
Crew: Marty Adelstein Joe Wright Sarah Adina Smith Becky Clements Martin Jensen Tim Bevan Eric Fellner David Farr Dana Gonzales Shaheen Baig Mark Hedges 25 more

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darklighter1 6 points 6 years ago.

Great show definitely worth your time.

finigan1 9 points 6 years ago.

An instant fave first episode. I suggest you watch the original movie Hanna with Saoirse Ronin first though if you haven’t, it is a good movie. Right from the start it begins the ride and follows the beginning of the movie closely with some alterations. Give it a watch, I really don’t think you will be disappointed ,it is a good show! I rarely say that or fave something the first episode. You will see what I mean.

RoboPhone 5 points 6 years ago.

Mahalo, Fin! Sounds good. I’ll take your suggestion and refresh the subject matter with the original feature film of the same name first.

panther6882 4 points 4 years ago.

I have seen the movie - will definitely have to watch the show

bobntahoe 0 points 4 years ago.

not as good as the movie.

panther6882 1 points 4 years ago.

I am only midway through season 1 episode 1 - the movie was great have seen it many times I had it on DVD

PacificLilly 3 points 4 years ago.

I am so excited that this is back!!!!

This is one of my favs after season 1!

Season 2 binge starts now! Woot-woot!

PacificLilly 1 points 4 years ago.

Yes, it is hard to explain without spoilers. I have finished season 2 now and have started writing a review of it, but nothing I care to share at the moment, bc it’s just my ramblings and not put together. I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, I just saw the notification of your reply here… I have been unwell and totally stressed out.
But back to your question (without spoilers) Season 2 was very different from season 1. I would say it feels like it lagged for some of the season, to me had a kind of “Nikita-esque” feel but as the season goes on it does develope a bit more, or get back a little bit to original storylines…. it did not end the way I thought it would but I was okay with it and happy with how the story unfolded. Others may like it or not, everyone’s different. But in my opinion, it is definately worth a watch… even just to see how it unfolds. I don’t know if this helped at all but I hope it did. Best wishes! pretends to do a cool karate chop Hanna style lol.

Siks 4 points 6 years ago.

I usually try and stay away from shows based on movies (I’ve been burned before) but this show rocks. The extended story holds water and keeps you hooked, and the performances from the actors are phenomenal. I highly recommend this show. 8/10

finigan1 4 points 6 years ago*.

Someone doesn’t like the fact that I like this show for some reason,I had more points then this for my like and enthusiasm for the show before it even was finalized. I wonder if it is a troll who can down vote anything they want even though it is a good comment and can have it removed completely.The vote should only go up,giving trolls the power to nullify every comment is not very wise. If someone wants to up a comment then great,but they shouldn’t be able to down vote, a mod or 2 seems appropriate with things that should not be said.Leaving things like this is really not very good for the users, and begets what you see on the comments for captain marvel! It is no different then karma, which didn’t work either.

octoberswill 4 points 6 years ago.

yeah, it’s a double edged sword, fin. trolls gonna troll.but I agree this show is great.

RoboPhone 1 points 6 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Hey, Fin, please don’t let it get to you. More importantly, don’t voice it here. To borrow from that terrorist slogan, don’t let the trolls win. By grumbling here, you’re only feeding them.

That’s what the voting is for. Collectively, we have the power to make their negative energy disappear - literally. Once the votes goes negative, it’s just a matter of time before they become hidden. Each person can ONLY vote once. If they try again, it reverses their original vote.

I, for one, always up vote people that have something constructive to say. You can rest assured that at least one vote of your reviews are from me.

The opposite is also true for the trolls. I refuse to feed them or waste my time on them. I simply down vote them and relax in the knowledge that other like-minded folks will do the same. Once it’s more then 4 below zero, it’s hidden. Buh-bye troll!

So, take heart, Robo-Pal! You are not alone. We are a strong community here, dedicated to the growth of our site and each other.

Boraes 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

As soon as they started to make it into a teenage love story with the french dude I completely lost interest.

Crenshaw1 2 points 3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Pretty good, season 1 was by far the best. Season 3 wasn’t bad, but some parts of the plot didn’t make sense to me. The actress for Hanna was not great imo, but Marisa, Stapleton and Sandy more than made up for it.
The overall plot of using young women as sleeper agents isn’t plausible to me as there is no justification why it’s necessary. It’s also way overkill since they are like wolves killing sheep. If they had them going after hard targets it would be a lot more entertaining.

Jhigh03 2 points 3 years ago.

S3 premiers tomorrow.

Peevee 2 points 3 years ago.

Final season too btw

greenguy86 1 points 4 years ago.

None of the comments have compelled me to watch this show. Someone please provide something other than ‘it’s good’. Why do you personally like it? What makes it compelling to watch? Very basic questions.

AmieWarren 1 points 3 years ago.

I’m on Ep. 2 of Season 3, and it’s boring as hell and hard to follow. I can hardly get through one episode without clicking off to go do something else for awhile. If it doesn’t get more interesting, I’m going to skip this season.

jsnmcm 1 points 3 years ago.

Keep watching…..

Piglet 1 points 1 year ago.

In the very 1st scene, I thought he looks familiar. None other than Joel Kinnaman from For All Mankind.

BTETW -3 points 5 years ago. 5/5 stars.


tapwater 0 points 4 years ago*. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

The movie and the first season were good, but the second is maddening. The story moves so slowly and most of the girls are just morons. Then the ones that aren’t become them. A scrapbook of a life you never led makes you believe it was yours? Come on! I keep thinking it will get better but it doesn’t seem that it will. I only have a couple of episodes left and I want to know what happens. It’s probably going to end on a cliffhanger. Ugh!…….. It did and a terrible one. This whole season’s story could have been told in a decent 90 minute movie. I suggest watching the original movie and skipping this series, the first season is decent but the second goes absolutely nowhere. It portrays females as imbeciles that can’t think for themselves.