The Afterparty is a murder-mystery comedy set at a high school reunion afterparty. Each of the eight episodes will feature a retelling of the same night told through a different character's perspective, each with its own unique visual format and film genre to match the teller's personality.
- Currently 73.14285714285714/5
(35 votes)
I disagree I think it will be interesting to see the murder from each person perspective.THought the first episode was gooo and funny
100% Binge worthy. Wait till it`s all out. Thank me later.
I’m liking it and I don’t see how you can classify it as a musical. Episode 3, yes, but it wasn’t bad. I fast forwarded through some of the songs (I dislike musicals) but it’s good so far.
First season was a lot better
Can’t Do it. Lots of singing
singing how? is it a musical?
Each episode is a different genre. One is a musical.
LOL, I think it’s because one character wants a record deal or some sort and it’s something to do with a class reunion. They have these sorta intervals of singing. I actually didn’t finish ep1 (out of boredom) and skipped to ep3, where the all the singing forced me to bail less than midway.
Give it a try for yourself. I’m just not really into musicals but it also didn’t appeal to me. Would classify it (eps1-3) as substitute musical
lol thanks for the info. I think i’ll skip this too!
This is not a musical… No idea what these people are talking about. You should give the show a shot, it’s good.
Please don’t, you may like it. I suggest you try it when you’re bored or really not looking for something great to watch but just something to pass the time.
I tried to watch ep1. Made it less than 75%. Basically skipped ep2. Attempted ep3 in hopes being convinced to stick with it-but the singing made me bail. Just my own experience. Weird cause I love little shop of horrors including the singing LOL
lol okay I’ll give it a go. I’m not a fan of musicals so maybe I can fast-forward the singing parts. We shall see!
Every episode is a different style of perspective on the evening in question because of the somewhat well known concept that a group of people can view the exact same experience in VASTLY different ways - to the point you sometimes wonder if you’re even positive that the person next to you had the same experience as you did.
So, one might have some musical interludes (as some have made reference to), one might be a romantic comedy / comedy, a horror film or creepy, psychological mind f&%k style thriller, parody of a Michael Bay-kind of action movie, a manic cartoon, even those corny coming-of-age college / high school movies where most of them feel extremely dated within 3-4 years of being released & really do not age well .