Movies and Shows Similar to Forever Knight

Moonlight (2007)

The Dead Zone (2002)

Roswell (1999)

Bitten (2014)

Dracula (2013)

The Pretender (1996)

Robin Hood (2006)

Star-Crossed (2014)

Eastwick (2009)

JAG (1995)

Ocean Girl (1994)

Reaper (2007)

Wolf Lake (2001)

Blood Ties (2007)

Charmed (1998)

Fury (1955)

Demons (2009)

Angel (1999)

Dacait (1987)

Brimstone (1998)

Las Vegas (2003)

Young Dracula (2006)

Cult (2013)

Jake 2.0 (2003)

Good vs Evil (1999)

Torchwood (2006)

Alphas (2011)

Lost Girl (2010)

Tarzan (2003)

Merlin (2008)

Relic Hunter (1999)

Farscape (1999)

Mutant X (2001)

Being Human (2009)

Alena (2016)

The Wiggles (1998)

Damien (2016)

The Gates (2010)

Teen Wolf (2011)

Being Human (2011)

Highlander (1992)

Melrose Place (1992)

The Immortal (2000)

South of Hell (2015)

Superstition (2017)

Time Trax (1993)

Millennium (1996)

True Blood (2008)

Prisoner (2007)

Haven (2010)

Beck (2010)

Chase (1985)

Vincent (2016)

First Wave (1998)

seaQuest DSV (1993)

Emerald City (2017)

Bionic Woman (2007)

Agoraphobia (2015)

Birds of Prey (2002)

Atlantis (2013)

Castle (2009)

Nikita (2010)

tardisrider : Ya know if treated right Eddings books would make a fantastic series.......