Blade: The Series follows the title character who is half-man, half-vampire and employs his extraordinary powers in a crusade to save mankind from the demonic creatures who walk the night. Set in Detroit, Blade investigates the vampire house of Chthon. Along the way he forms an uneasy alliance with Krista Starr, a former military veteran who becomes entrenched in the world of vampires while investigating the murder of her twin brother. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 6.8/10 | |
Released: | June 28, 2006 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Genres: | Action Supernatural | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Paramount Network New Line Television Marvel Enterprises Phantom Four | |
Cast: | Jill Wagner Sticky Fingaz Neil Jackson Nelson Lee Jessica Gower | |
Crew: | David S. Goyer Aaron Miller Geoff Johns Avi Arad David Simkins Daniel Truly Ramin Djawadi Jon Kroll Matthew Chipera Gordon Mark James R. Rosenthal 2 more Lori Huck Ari Arad | |
grasshopper rex : I'm confused. Is your comment directed at me? Why would you single me out in this thread t...