lasted 22 mins of this stupidity not willing to invest any more time -i think i will just re-watch the first 3 and remember how good it used to be when they raced cars -before they suddenly all became govt secret service james bond type spies -not for me -hard pass
If you’ve seen any of the last 5 or 6 then you have seen this one. I personally love these over-the-top action movies, but they are not for everyone. So just join a watch party, crack open an ice-cold adult beverage and enjoy the ridiculous action scenes/plot twists/campy ̶h̶u̶m̶o̶r̶ ̶ everything.
These on going extensions no different than king Kong or Rambo they just don’t die the next thing up should be Tarzan heck at least he could start in a new world divorce Jane and have some monkey kids these guys are pushing the limits beyond the reality,I feel like yelling out,,,CAR 54 WHERE ARE YOU!!!!
Ugh, why is this still a thing? Guys and their love of flashy cars and stunts even God Himself would find redundant and ridiculous. Least it should be the end of this mess.
I dunno—I’m female and I admit to loving all sorts of mindless things I shouldn’t, and despising girly “romcoms” that I should. Oh well. I just like to sometimes pop out my eyes, set ‘em in front of the screen, and watch the crazy car-fu while my brain skips happily away to do other things requiring more reason and thought.(ʘ‿ʘ)
These films aren’t meant to works of art there meant to be something that you can watch for two and a half hours and just have fun. These are films that don’t require you to actually think about what’s going on in the respective films of this franchise so please try switching your brain of the next time that you watch one of these movies and just have some fun watching them I promise you that you won’t regret it.
dickgrimes2 points
3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)
Do not let the haters stop you from watching this movie!! They are lying when they say “if you seen any of the fast and furious movies, you seen em all.” F9 is unlike any other fast and furious movies…1st of all, it has a back story on a young Dom, his brother and his Dad that explains some plots from the other movies which you did not know. 2nd, yes the car stuff is beyond ridiculous and unreal but they are creative. Last, the ending alone is enough to watch, so enjoy!!!
Researcher1 points
3 years ago. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)
Well, they didn’t get Cipher and Dom & Jacob are bros again…that pretty much tells you what’s in the next one. It’s movies like this that make me so THANKFUL for PrimeWire; not getting pissed about wasting my money on such a disappointment.
moongoddess1 points
3 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)
These movies never get old for me. Always fresh crazy moments. The CGI, phenomenal. So many cringe-tastic moments. Looking forward to F10 and their finale installment, film F11(as I read in the film industry e-zines). Also looking forward to more sequels with the spin off Hobbs & Shaw.
this whole movie was basically Dom reuniting with Jacob, i also wanted to see cgi Brian lol would of made the whole movie better, also that twist at the end. im surprised there was anyone in the punching bag seeing as the dude didnt make any noise while getting the sh*t kick in
Next time it is Dom and the gang against his Fifth Cousin three times removed on his Godmother’s side AND… her pet Toy Poodle Mitzy!!!! - “Watch Out For The Racing HELLL!”
Psychorcer61 points
3 years ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)
Pretty fun flick IMO is it oscar winning? Nope but its entertaining, especially the parts with Luda and Tyrese bickering lol. Also, i see a lot of hate but bet most didn’t even watch it.
I started watching the cam version (thanks, uploaders) but as there are those annoying stuck on the top ads, hastily pressed the back button. I’ll wait till a decent copy is available.
eff 06/15 : New US Release HDCAM Versions, ahead of schedule! This update still includes occasional adverts, and open-mic English Audio. This HDCAM recording is again on par with most HDCAM copies: brightest at the center with radial darkness toward the edges. It is watchable.
Stillno will not be immediately available on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max or Hulu, due to previously established contractual agreements with franchise owners. . F9 DVD and Blu-ray release date is still estimated for October 1, 2021.
eff 05/22 : Brand New HDCAM Versions. Ahead of Friday June 25th, 2021 US Theatrical release, this update includes (HC) Hard-Coded Spanish Subtitles, occasional adverts, and open-mic English Audio. Video quality is on par with most HDCAM copies: brightest at the center with radial darkness toward the edges. It is watchable. Still anticipating an US HDCAM update around Friday, June 25th, 2021. . As of April 15th, 2021, media sources indicate F9 will not be immediately available on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max or Hulu, due to previously established contractual agreements with franchise owners. . F9 DVD and Blu-ray release date is estimated for October 1, 2021.
Unless a good copy is smuggled out early somehow, we normally have to wait till the DVD/Bluray/streaming version’s released to the public. Or was that a rhetorical question?
Another one of these…… What are they going to do this time drive cars in space. It’s just getting ridiculous at this point.
Next time? Zombies
Was reading that it’ll cross over with Jurassic Park next lol
they go up agianst a group of zombie racers ! lol speed demon zombies lol!
“F✈0: Space Force”
Yes, of course there is a space scene, lmao
space .humm welll kinda lol did that now !
Yes they actually did lol
I would watch that. Although I haven’t seen any of these movies…
lasted 22 mins of this stupidity not willing to invest any more time -i think i will just re-watch the first 3 and remember how good it used to be when they raced cars -before they suddenly all became govt secret service james bond type spies -not for me -hard pass
If you’ve seen any of the last 5 or 6 then you have seen this one. I personally love these over-the-top action movies, but they are not for everyone. So just join a watch party, crack open an ice-cold adult beverage and enjoy the ridiculous action scenes/plot twists/campy ̶h̶u̶m̶o̶r̶ ̶ everything.
These on going extensions no different than king Kong or Rambo they just don’t die the next thing up should be Tarzan heck at least he could start in a new world divorce Jane and have some monkey kids these guys are pushing the limits beyond the reality,I feel like yelling out,,,CAR 54 WHERE ARE YOU!!!!
Everybody’s so judgemental… surely we didn’t expect Oscar winning performances eh? I took it for what it is and watched a fun movie..
straight garbage
Ugh, why is this still a thing? Guys and their love of flashy cars and stunts even God Himself would find redundant and ridiculous. Least it should be the end of this mess.
I dunno—I’m female and I admit to loving all sorts of mindless things I shouldn’t, and despising girly “romcoms” that I should. Oh well. I just like to sometimes pop out my eyes, set ‘em in front of the screen, and watch the crazy car-fu while my brain skips happily away to do other things requiring more reason and thought.(ʘ‿ʘ)
Me too, Ygraine! High five?
High five yep yep! I forgot to add, I like trains and funiculars too. There’s no hope for me LOL LOL
Well I guess I’m forever hopeless too and I love it!!! We must automatically be in this invisible club for eternity (LOL)
Please do send me a link for registration to the said Invisible Club. I’m also on this table. lmao…
Evey movie in this franchise suck!!!!
These films aren’t meant to works of art there meant to be something that you can watch for two and a half hours and just have fun. These are films that don’t require you to actually think about what’s going on in the respective films of this franchise so please try switching your brain of the next time that you watch one of these movies and just have some fun watching them I promise you that you won’t regret it.
The amount of cringe they crammed into this flick truly defies the laws of physics
This cow has been milked dry.
This sure has been hanging out in “Cam” a long time. Anyone have any idea when we’ll see a better copy?
I knew it was going to be bad but dear god that was like watching Sharknado like wtf
I’m sure it’s a fine sequel if only I could understand what they’re saying.
Do not let the haters stop you from watching this movie!! They are lying when they say “if you seen any of the fast and furious movies, you seen em all.” F9 is unlike any other fast and furious movies…1st of all, it has a back story on a young Dom, his brother and his Dad that explains some plots from the other movies which you did not know. 2nd, yes the car stuff is beyond ridiculous and unreal but they are creative. Last, the ending alone is enough to watch, so enjoy!!!
Thanks for this the cam is not bad at all
The Ninth installment to the Fast & Furious Franchise is now here!
See the Official Trailer HERE.
Nice one. 👍
Should be Action Drama not finished watching yet I keep taking breaks, shows really good
We are waiting for the HD, where is the HD
I think this was pushed back to this summer, June 2021 release. Looks really, really good.
next movie they have to save elon musk in space !
Well, they didn’t get Cipher and Dom & Jacob are bros again…that pretty much tells you what’s in the next one.
It’s movies like this that make me so THANKFUL for PrimeWire; not getting pissed about wasting my money on such a disappointment.
just finished watching this time only 3 stars sadly
These movies never get old for me. Always fresh crazy moments. The CGI, phenomenal. So many cringe-tastic moments. Looking forward to F10 and their finale installment, film F11(as I read in the film industry e-zines). Also looking forward to more sequels with the spin off Hobbs & Shaw.
this whole movie was basically Dom reuniting with Jacob, i also wanted to see cgi Brian lol would of made the whole movie better, also that twist at the end. im surprised there was anyone in the punching bag seeing as the dude didnt make any noise while getting the sh*t kick in
just realized Finn Cole aka j from animal kingdom ‘’ plays the younger brother of dom
i just heard about “F9: The Director’s Cut” with restored scene .
When will it be available
What a waste of time!
H.d bro. Hook it up
Just what I expected no surprises
Next time it is Dom and the gang against his Fifth Cousin three times removed on his Godmother’s side AND… her pet Toy Poodle Mitzy!!!! - “Watch Out For The Racing HELLL!”
i hope for old school vibe feelin’ fast n furious next time
Pretty fun flick IMO is it oscar winning? Nope but its entertaining, especially the parts with Luda and Tyrese bickering lol. Also, i see a lot of hate but bet most didn’t even watch it.
I started watching the cam version (thanks, uploaders) but as there are those annoying stuck on the top ads, hastily pressed the back button. I’ll wait till a decent copy is available.
i almost turned it off at the first crash was silly
Masala bollywood on steriods.
eff 06/15 : New US Release HDCAM Versions, ahead of schedule! This update still includes occasional adverts, and open-mic English Audio. This HDCAM recording is again on par with most HDCAM copies: brightest at the center with radial darkness toward the edges. It is watchable.
Stillno will not be immediately available on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max or Hulu, due to previously established contractual agreements with franchise owners.
F9 DVD and Blu-ray release date is still estimated for October 1, 2021.
wow did they ever sell the franchise out with this one
eff 05/22 : Brand New HDCAM Versions. Ahead of Friday June 25th, 2021 US Theatrical release, this update includes (HC) Hard-Coded Spanish Subtitles, occasional adverts, and open-mic English Audio. Video quality is on par with most HDCAM copies: brightest at the center with radial darkness toward the edges. It is watchable.
Still anticipating an US HDCAM update around Friday, June 25th, 2021.
As of April 15th, 2021, media sources indicate F9 will not be immediately available on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max or Hulu, due to previously established contractual agreements with franchise owners.
F9 DVD and Blu-ray release date is estimated for October 1, 2021.
the movie has been pushed back, the current release date is April 2, 2021
This is very powerful it is as good as the first one.
Unless a good copy is smuggled out early somehow, we normally have to wait till the DVD/Bluray/streaming version’s released to the public. Or was that a rhetorical question?