Growing up in a small rural farm town in the early 1950’s, sixteen- year-old Jimmy Hoffer, and his two siblings do their best to survive poverty and a crumbling family unit. With the mysterious death of his father, Jimmy’s mother, Agnes, becomes disconnected to her children and finds refuge in the local bars and the men who visit them. She selfishly falls deep into a world of alcoholism, casual sex, and denial. After frequent conflicts with their mother, Colette, Jimmy’s older sister, leaves the home to marry her sweetheart. Jimmy is left to decide to stay and support his mother and younger brother Vincent or leave town as well. As he wrestles with a decision, Jimmy stumbles upon a small town about 15 miles away from his own and is exposed to a very diverse group of extraordinary people. He is humbled by their generosity, but reluctant to accept them for their differences. Until tragedy strikes. It will be up to Jimmy to find a way to save the only group of people who have given him an opportunity to better his life. Along with his mother Agnes, Jimmy finds the strength and hope to redeem his past relationships and forgive his mother for her short comings. This is a story of hope, a story of struggle, but a story of how, as humans, we each have the instinct of good. Sometimes it just takes a fresh perspective of the world around us.
Noamen : Contains spoilers. Click to show. What gets me is the constant spawning of new ideas, and then they peter out or vanish for ...