The series will reveal newly authenticated evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before, and extensive breakthroughs in understanding the technology behind these unknown phenomena in our skies.

  • Currently 75.38461538461539/5
(13 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 7.2/10
Released: May 31, 2019
Runtime: 60 min
Countries: United States
Companies: History A&E Television Networks LLC
Crew: Anthony Lappé Tom DeLonge Steve Ascher Mike Stiller Kristy Sabat

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fl4g0ndry 4 points 2 months ago*. 4/5 stars.

I’ve only watched the first episode so far. A threat to national security??? IMHO if the beings operating these crafts were hostile, wouldn’t they have annihilated us already??? And how in the hell would we fight them? Our planes couldn’t catch them. Bullets only travel at approximately 1800 mph so they’d fall short. Even if ballistic missiles could, (at approximately 16000-17000mph) they certainly can’t maneuver like the unknown craft. I think it would be foolhardy to start any aggression.
I also have opinions on first contact. It sure as f*#@ should NOT be handled by government! I’m not even sure there are any scientists altruistic enough to conduct first contact. Yes, I think we’re screwed.

midgetfightingleague 3 points 4 years ago.

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t watching.

nowt 4 points 4 years ago*. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

When they know you know they’re watching, that’s when they stop.

Alien, pls confirm.

RoboPhone 1 points 4 years ago.

Agreed. In addition, just because Jiffy Pop makes good popcorn, doesn’t mean they don’t also make good hats!

Canuckian 5 points 5 years ago.

I simply don’t understand people who think that we are ALONE in the Universe…I mean, to put it simply, shouldn’t the very fact that WE as Humans exist here on Earth prove that life exists in the Universe and that considering how Large the Universe is, is it REALLY that difficult to believe that there are other life forms out there? Not saying they visit us or anything, i think it is quite possible that other life in the Universe may simply be too far away to ever come to Earth, but then again, if they are thousands of years ahead of us, why wouldn’t they maybe have some form of space travel that would allow them to jump between galaxies and planets etc. The thing about Space is that it is ripe for speculation…quite literally, ANYTHING is possible…we here on Earth and even Earth itself is not even a speck of a speck of dust on the back of a grain of sand located on a beach somewhere LOL..that is how small and insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things…I enjoy watching these shows because i am NOT looking for any kind of “truth” to justify what i believe or anything nor do i enjoy these kinds of shows to disprove anything..i enjoy these kinds of programs because i LOVE to speculate..i love the whole “What If…” factor involved..that is what hooks me and is what i am open too…i am not naive enough to believe we are alone in the universe and that we have it all figured out here…and sometimes it is nice to watch shows where there are people who think/believe the same thing i do without judgement.

mrelectriccity 6 points 5 years ago.

even if there was only 1 planet in every galaxy that contains life thats still billions of planets with life. and the likely hook of us finding one with current tech is pretty much impossible.

but that doesn’t mean that they can’t or haven’t been here. like u said they could be thousands of years ahead, but also were they from could have diff elements with properties that would allow them to do so.

Killion 4 points 5 years ago. 4/5 stars.

Exactly! Well said!

mrnoob 2 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

any other programs like this it´s really good. I hate watching programs were scientist look like the crazy professor or have alien voice ( Ancient Aliens) Even do we all believe in the same I feel i am getting mocked by theise host because they look so f!”#€ crazy so even they bring up projects like the liqued nitrogen.

But I do respect some of the topicks they bring forth but most is just like the programs such as 72 dangers animals and the narrator keep repied the same line ower and ower :-(((( So please link me some awesome programs about the alien invasion of our planet.

gypsy soul 2 points 5 years ago.

Since we, as human beings, have a desperate need to believe in something bigger than ourselves that will give meaning to our lives, I would much rather we believed in the science of the universes than what we currently hold as truth. Maybe we, as a species, will come to realize we are on a planet that has finite resources. You cannot have the epiphany that, as Canuckian said: Earth itself is not even a speck of a speck of dust and hold on to the egotistical belief that we are the center of the universe and EVERYTHING was created for our consumption. Not only Santa does not exist.

RiKoBa 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

The funniest part of many people that insist there is no possible chance of there being other forms of life out there and that any notion of it is nothing more than science fiction, are also the same people that believe the oldest fairy tale ever told, the existence of ‘god’.

Doto -4 points 5 years ago*.

I’m just going to throw this out there. And yes, it would be pretty ignorant and egotistical to not think life and even intelligent life IS out there somewhere (it is), but life coming here seems just too far to reach for “ME” now, and here’s a tiny bit on my opinion why….IF even the “closest” planet (or anything possible) (our solar system is obviously out of play) had intelligent life it would be, 4.2 light-years, or 25 trillion miles, away.
travelling the speed of light would be 4.2 years, one way. Tho we are still in the womb as far as intelligence could be defined, to give some scale, the fastest we have ever travelled can be seen looking at NASA’s Juno probe which was clocked briefly at 165,000 mpHOUR….light speed = 186,000 mpSECOND (and warp engines are fictitious). Now some will say “wormholes”, but the truth is more, wormholes are sci fi. Wormholes simply violate well tested physics, and even if they were out there humans have mapped so much of space now that they’d see the exotic material of the negative mass needed, which actually doesn’t even exist, or at least been seen as it’s, I believe, simply theoretical. But not only that, to come here while we are here would take “timing”. we would have had to evolve essentially at the same time within the the time span of 13.8 BILLION years (that’s like winning the lotto) So, even tho as a kid I bought all the UFO mags and tried to build my own UFO hunter machines lol I eventually realized that them coming to our planet is just, well, as close to impossible as one could likely get….I wish tho and nothing I’d wish more for myself, but, it no longer makes any logical sense to me as there’s too many hurdles….My childhood dream bubble got broke as I got older and a little more logical. Sad for me but true. Santa just doesn’t exist lol