duuuuuuuuuude : Yeah, they were from Tacoma and were big in the NW from 1965-1967. They had bashed-out, ra...
ship_toaster : kobe raped a girl
Piglet : I did skip epi 3,4,5,6 and went straight to epi 7. As many have commented, it has The Dome...
simones : I love this movie so much; I've been revisiting it many, many times over the years.To me, ...
Alien : I might watch this :)
MorInSound : In every home; on every desk; in every palm - a plasma screen; a monitor; a smartphone--a ...
magiczoo : Oh, this weird little show! So glad you commented and reminded me of it. I don’t remember ...
duuuuuuuuuude : I rented this on Amazon and really enjoyed it. They invented punk rock 14 years before the...
yellow_rose1 : I always knew punk influenced Nirvana, mainly Kurt for sure. However I'm not familiar with...
Smeagoll : thanks i did see that. i stand by my statement (for now) lol. subject to change. i did lik...
IMDb says there are 3 episodes in 2021, Darkness Rising and The Devil’s Kiss,and Melancholy Countess. This is what I found, “Production on Season Two of Vienna Blood will begin in August 2020, shooting on location in Vienna in English, and once again starring Matthew Beard as Max Liebermann, and Juergen Maurer as Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt. A premiere date for season two of the Vienna Blood series was not revealed.” A deep……I can’t wait……sigh goes here!