House of the Dragon (2022)
random000 2 points 2 months ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

Oh yeah, that was Oscar. Saw a report on that. Not a reaper cat, but certainly a guiding comfort cat that had a unique role. We had a cat that knew when epileptic seizures were going to happen, which was extremely good since it helped avoid head injuries, bad falls & so on when one was alone.

Princess Rhaenys Targaryen had a very opposite cat named after the primary dragon that conquered all of Westeros, Aegon’s dragon Balerion, known also as the Black Dread, who lived a long time. Her dad King Viserys claimed the dragon when she was little at the time she got the kitten, and she would pretend he was the famous dragon. Apparently, The Red Keep had a line of cats descended from him for hundreds of years.

greyfur 1 points 2 months ago.

Wow! That’s wicked cool! I watched a video on YouTube a couple days ago about cats, guy was actually pretty funny to listen to, clearly a cat guy, but he really knew his stuff, and had a lot of information about cats, along with some really great clips, but there was some interesting facts about a cats purr.

Seems like they have some different frequencies that they can purr at, and some can actually help people with their blood pressure, others can lure (for real!) people into petting them and paying attention to them. It hits a certain area in peoples brains that just attracts most people to them.

Also, when people bond well with their cats, the cat can become sensitive to their medical problems even before the people know they have them. The guy even gave several instances of it happening. One that I remember was a rescue cat, this lady took a cat home that was a stray that wasn’t doing too well, and her husband was cool with it, and he bonded to her. A couple years later, he was on her chest and was on one side, sniffing and pawing, and refused to leave.

Anyway, it was right after that she noticed that she had a small lump on her breast that she had not noticed, but the cat knew it was there, and she went to the doctor, and got it dealt with in time, before it could become a problem. Guess the cat paid her back for taking him in.

The coolness of cats can not be overstated!