The story follows Sakamaki Izayoi, a boy bored with the entire world. One day, an envelope arrives for him. The moment Izayoi opens the envelope, he is transported to an alternate world. There, he discovers that two other problem children were transported by envelopes as well — a taciturn girl named Kasukabe You with a cat, and a beautiful yet haughty girl named Kudou Asuka. A girl named Kuro Usagi (Black Rabbit) summoned the three to the community No Name to overthrow the devil. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 6.8/10 | |
Released: | January 12, 2013 | |
Runtime: | 25 min | |
Genres: | Comedy Fantasy Anime | |
AKA: | Problem Children Are Coming from Another World, Aren't They? | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | Tokyo MX diomedéa FlyingDog Nippon Columbia | |
Cast: | Hiromi Igarashi Shintaro Asanuma Satomi Arai Iori Nomizu Megumi Nakajima Shiori Mikami Sarah Emi Bridcutt | |
yellow_rose1 : For those of you that are waiting for the second season to begin. I just read that Lady Ga...