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I’m really starting to believe Harry and his side to the story behind this horribly dysfunctional family and the whole British monarchy. Granted this is an interpretation of their story and lots of dramatic liberty has gone into the writing but seeing how cold and calculated the Queen and Prince Phillip were makes me wonder if he’s been right all along.
Yay! Season 3 is here! Thank you!
So well done! Looking forward to season 3, hope it starts soon!!
The Crown, will conclude its reign with a split sixth and final season premiering on November 16. Spanning Queen Elizabeth’s rule from the 1940s to the early 2000s.
when is the next installment going to air?
Latest news for season 5 premiere month tentatively set for November 2022.
absolutly brilliant!
Season 4 excellent, love Gillian Anderson playing Margaret Thatcher. Loved the way Maggie put the arrogant Queen in her place. Don’t know if that actually happened. Great job by the actress that played Dianah