Death Note is an anime series based around a manga of the same name whereby a human finds a death god's notebook. Any person's name written in this notebook will die. The main character who finds this noteboook is Light Yagami who faces off against an unfaced character named L who tries to challenge him. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 8.8/10 | |
Released: | October 3, 2006 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Thriller Fantasy Anime | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | NTV Madhouse | |
Cast: | Mamoru Miyano Kappei Yamaguchi Noriko Hidaka Aya Hirano Shidō Nakamura | |
Crew: | Takeshi Obata Tsugumi Ooba | |
Capezzios & Soda : "Natalie Porkman" HAHAHA!