COPS follows police officers, constables, and sheriff's deputies during patrols and various police activities by embedding camera crews with their units. The show's formula adheres to a classic cinéma vérité ethos. With no narration or scripted dialog, it depends entirely on the commentary of the officers and on the actions of the people with whom they come into contact.

  • Currently 72.88888888888889/5
(45 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 7.1/10
Released: March 11, 1989
Genres: Action Crime
Countries: United States
Companies: 20th Century Fox Television Langley Productions Spike Productions FOX Entertainment Fox Nation
Cast: Harry Newman
Crew: John Langley Douglas Waterman

Trailers (2)


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► Season 4 - Click for episodes

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► Season 9 - Click for episodes

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► Season 12 - Click for episodes

► Season 13 - Click for episodes

► Season 14 - Click for episodes

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► Season 16 - Click for episodes

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Cops Comments

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Bkr2110 6 points 4 years ago*.

Why don’t they just offer COPS and Live PD (one of the, if not the, top rated shows on cable) for like $1.99 a month for people who can handle it? I’ve never seen cops act inappropriately in these shows.

Ban these yet Grand Theft Auto cop killer video games are just fine.

Remove Elmer Fudd’s shotgun from Looney Tunes but leave Grand Theft Auto as is. Priorities. For the kids.

yellow_rose1 3 points 2 years ago.

I was watching a documentary about how the police depicted in the tv show has a written contract where the police that are filmed in the tv show hold the rights to what is edited in or out of the show. Once I heard that it really burned me because the producers of the show made the viewers believe this was a fly on the wall type of documentation, yet it is anything but.

bcjammerx 7 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

This show is amazing, it shows you REALITY not this fantasy movie mentality some people push and think is real. It shows what 99.999999% of cops are like and the filth they have to deal with DAILY (even hourly) and what liars that filth is and what BS their “i can’t breath” and “i’m not resisting” claims actually are…as well as how much their families and friends tend to be liars too. COPS let’s you see that felons should NEVER be trusted (of course anyone who has actually dealt with them personally could have told you that) and that cops are not only highly trained to handle dangerous people (any felon) but that they also really do care

[removed by a moderator]
bcjammerx 10 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

I appreciate your attention and I know the rules and my comment regarding the series does not violate them. My comment is MY take on this series and how I see it and how I see the series presenting itself and it’s content…I have no desire to engage in a discussion of any sort regarding that as that would violate the rules, thank you again and have a nice day :)

Alien 6 points 4 years ago*.

I have to insist that your comments are not actually about the show but about your fellow man and the disdain you have for anyone not like you. We are all, except the 1%, pretty much one paycheck from being on the streets, and that puts us in the same position that many people on this show are in. That position is called survival.
To quote the great Forrest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about that.”

P.S. If you expect anyone to believe that you are not looking for any reciprocal attention then you are only fooling yourself.

ObserverMI 4 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Then follow what ‘you’ just stated, which you have not. Here is just one example: “JadeEnigma 11 points 3 days ago*. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

You’d think that as a card-carrying member of the “cancel culture elite” I’d be able to wave my magic fairy wand and rid the world of this scared little boy and his cultists, but alas my powers no workings on that. :-(

Tosses glitter sadly”

Thank You for your ‘attention’ to this matter.

Alien 3 points 3 years ago.

Whoa, COPS is back. That’s amazing.

grasshopper rex 2 points 2 years ago.

In no way does this represent actual policing in the US. I know people are going to believe what they want to believe, but I’ve had enough interactions with cops to see this for what it is, propaganda.

etim 2 points 2 years ago.

Simple fix for that. Just get film crews to follow all the cops around. Or maybe make all cops wear body cams with fake ‘off’ switches on ‘em.

grasshopper rex 1 points 2 years ago.

Yep, body cams are in the best interest of everyone as long as the public are allowed access to the footage.

Alien 2 points 2 years ago*.

Riiiiiight! It has to be the longest propaganda campaign in television history.

grasshopper rex 3 points 2 years ago*.

How is it that they never show cops behaving badly? Because they demand editorial control on what is actually released for public consumption.I’m not one of those that thinks all cops are bad, but when you strictly control the narrative it is indeed propaganda. This show is kind of mean spirited in nature. The vast majority of the suspects shown have a diminished intellectual capacity, ain’t too bright, and they are presented in almost a mocking sort of way. Being an idiot is a disability, but somehow we don’t seem to have any empathy or compassion for idiots that break the law. It’s a lot harder to make good life choices if one has a limited intelligence. We live in a mean spirited society where a great deal of our “entertainment” is at the expense of others. Comedy that mocks others. Slapstick that gets a laugh from portayals of people getting hurt as a result of a stupid action. There’s a whole genre of “fail” entertainment where we laugh at others mess ups. Music that revels in dissing someone because of a perceived slight. Sports where a large part of the popularity is watching the hard hits or the crashes. Even though most will deny it, we get a perverse pleasure from watching people get hurt. I don’t exclude myself, I acknowledge it and at the same time as I recognize it in myself I also see it as undesirable, at least in my opinion. I think we can do better.

Alien 1 points 2 years ago.


grasshopper rex 1 points 2 years ago.

Yeah, I have opinions. Lots of them and many are unpopular opinions. lol

Bkr2110 2 points 4 years ago*.

COPS resumed filming six days ago to fulfill their obligations to international audiences. Another article said the next episode of COPS will air on October 11, 2020 on WGN America. They must mean rerun but they didn’t state that.

BIG G 2 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

I absolutely love this show. Thanks uploaders for all the seasons. I been binge watching this for 2 months and barely almost half way through! So many episodes.

Wilsson02 2 points 3 years ago.

Thank you uploader for season 33!

nowt 2 points 4 years ago*. 1/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

Dan Taberski’s ‘Running from Cops’ pretty much encapsulated all 32 seasons. But so did the 2004 Old Dominion and Prosise-Johnson studies, as well as Kathleen Curry’s “Mediating COPS: An analysis of viewer reaction to reality TV,” in Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture.

Encapsulated, as in marked the steel drum of it as toxic and reasoned a cement bath’d be best.

Kujo 2 points 4 years ago.

yes live pd is cancelled as well

Randall 2 points 4 years ago.

I’m of police fire & military family so I know the drill, I thought the police on live PD were polite and helpful caring people. I hope North Woods Law is not going away. :(

bcjammerx 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

it was the result of the lefts pushing after the violent, drug abusing (and under the influence of meth at the time too), 7+ convicted VIOLENT FELON, resisting arrest floyds self inflicted death that it was cancelled. the left can’t have this show out there because it shows what lying filth violent felons are and that they can’t be believed…which would destroy their agenda

somniloquist 12 points 4 years ago*.

Criminal justice reform aside (and that’s hard enough for me to say) what the “lefts” are interested in in this country is due process. There are many overlapping issues at play here, but we’ll talk in a way that maybe a “patriot” like yourself can relate. Here in these United States we have a system that involves police, courts, and corrections. What we DON’T do is execute people in the street.
I’m going to say that one more time, a little louder, a little slower, so that maybe it sinks in. WE DON’T EXECUTE PEOPLE IN THE STREET. If that concept is too much to handle, then you haven’t reached the level of humanity that it’s worth even speaking to.
So come on back when you swallow that concept and we’ll talk about some more. In the meantime, you’ve got THIRTY TWO seasons of Cops to look back on.

m840 6 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

well said somniloquist.

Alien -1 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Hear! Hear!

GCF400 1 points 3 years ago.

COPS and Live PD needs to come back

Aggr69 1 points 3 years ago. 4/5 stars.

Cops is back yay!

Odie 1 points 3 years ago.

hahaha I’m so glad this show is back. Nothing cracks me up more. Now just bring back Live PD!

Boiler 1 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Glad to see this show back.

Teaches on how not to be an active person of society.

yellow_rose1 2 points 3 years ago.

I’ve been watching cops since 1988 I’ve never followed a show this long. I think it does a great job of showing what it’s really like to be a police officer. I too am glad to see it’s return.

Morley23 1 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

I love This show.Im new to site how do you report wrong or broken link. It saying cops show ended but really it running.

fashygoy 1 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Ive Been watching the old episodes and they are really gritty. Interesting to see how the new season will be played.

Wilsson02 1 points 3 years ago.

There’s a new season out from fox nation!

Boiler 1 points 2 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Don’t see the new episode listed in the TV schedule.

Lesson learned. Don’t throw water on people.

Alien 1 points 2 years ago.

But it is up.