ajkramer : Well, this one was a few degrees off the classic style and seemed to be less interesting. ...
keithlovestv : Should've been gone.
AstroJeston : Thanks. We'll have to see if that does happen. :)
mikebcarguy : 2 or 3 exquisite moments in this one. It's not Ted Lasso, but... adjacent.
bigguy01 : this is a comedy horror film with final destination vibes
MP8219 : "You're unsuccessful." lolooooloool
duuuuuuuuuude : I watched this because Leonard Peltier was just released after being in prison for 49 year...
random000 : Monty Python has been refreshed with 135 new posts for alternatives. Have fun ㋡
PsyEnz : Such a missed opportunity to have an entire series dedicated to having sequel episodes to ...
I appreciate your attention and I know the rules and my comment regarding the series does not violate them. My comment is MY take on this series and how I see it and how I see the series presenting itself and it’s content…I have no desire to engage in a discussion of any sort regarding that as that would violate the rules, thank you again and have a nice day :)
I have to insist that your comments are not actually about the show but about your fellow man and the disdain you have for anyone not like you. We are all, except the 1%, pretty much one paycheck from being on the streets, and that puts us in the same position that many people on this show are in. That position is called survival.
To quote the great Forrest Gump, “That’s all I have to say about that.”
P.S. If you expect anyone to believe that you are not looking for any reciprocal attention then you are only fooling yourself.