ajkramer : Well, this one was a few degrees off the classic style and seemed to be less interesting. ...
keithlovestv : Should've been gone.
AstroJeston : Thanks. We'll have to see if that does happen. :)
mikebcarguy : 2 or 3 exquisite moments in this one. It's not Ted Lasso, but... adjacent.
bigguy01 : this is a comedy horror film with final destination vibes
MP8219 : "You're unsuccessful." lolooooloool
random000 : Monty Python has been refreshed with 135 new posts for alternatives. Have fun ㋡
PsyEnz : Such a missed opportunity to have an entire series dedicated to having sequel episodes to ...
Riiiiiight! It has to be the longest propaganda campaign in television history.
How is it that they never show cops behaving badly? Because they demand editorial control on what is actually released for public consumption.I’m not one of those that thinks all cops are bad, but when you strictly control the narrative it is indeed propaganda. This show is kind of mean spirited in nature. The vast majority of the suspects shown have a diminished intellectual capacity, ain’t too bright, and they are presented in almost a mocking sort of way. Being an idiot is a disability, but somehow we don’t seem to have any empathy or compassion for idiots that break the law. It’s a lot harder to make good life choices if one has a limited intelligence. We live in a mean spirited society where a great deal of our “entertainment” is at the expense of others. Comedy that mocks others. Slapstick that gets a laugh from portayals of people getting hurt as a result of a stupid action. There’s a whole genre of “fail” entertainment where we laugh at others mess ups. Music that revels in dissing someone because of a perceived slight. Sports where a large part of the popularity is watching the hard hits or the crashes. Even though most will deny it, we get a perverse pleasure from watching people get hurt. I don’t exclude myself, I acknowledge it and at the same time as I recognize it in myself I also see it as undesirable, at least in my opinion. I think we can do better.