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Snoop 5 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Really really surprised by this one. I went into it not expecting much but I was hooked from episode 1 and it only gets more intense and complex.
The writing is great but it’s the cast and direction that really breathe life into what could have been a dry recitation of every pitfall young adults can stumble into.
The ladies, from the top of the cast on to the more supporting actresses are incredibly talented and give nuanced performances to layered characters.

Yen 5 points 5 years ago. 4/5 stars.

Loving this show
Reminds me a bit of Skins

maripop 5 points 5 years ago*.

Three episodes in and I am so impressed with this series.

There are some very good stories with some very seedy characters and 17 year olds who are growning up very fast, living out adult problems but don’t have the tools to deal with them.

Being accepted by the group/peers (the age-old challenge) and experimenting with drugs and sex in the age of social media are major themes. It seems so easy to hook up and get high nowadays.

And seeing that I am surrounded by teenagers, it is very interesting and pretty scary at the same time.

The main female actors give credible, honest performances (especially KAT) and the life of a teenage girl is presented as a dark and lonely universe.

Highly recommended for grandparents, parents and teens alike 9/10

NickNice187 3 points 29 days ago. 5/5 stars.

Been waiting forever for the next season. Never thought id of liked this show really. I really like it alot! Discovered it after watching GOT on HBO.
Anyone know anything going on with it ? I seen they were filming it but not sure how long or when it even started.

SnakePliscan 4 points 4 years ago.

Definitely worth a watch

rodricksteal 4 points 3 years ago. 1/5 stars.

The second season is much weaker and much more boring than the first season. They ruined almost every character into something unrecognizable. It’s way more watered down and pretentious. I also realised how much the soundtrack TRULY made this show in the first season. The 80s songs ruined the vibe of the show, now it feels like a wet dream of a gen-xer man about gen z when he does molly to remember his youth. The first one had a vibe of a teen euphoria, it had the novelty, the naivete, this season has vibes of an old man’s nostalgia about the times he probably wasn’t living to the fullest anyways. No one gives a shit about Nate’s dad. I’m sorry, why he got so much screen time? An utter, pretentious disappointment.

Waldo512 3 points 3 years ago.

I felt pretty much the same, and then episode 7… It kinda feels like they set the season to be depressing and dark. Then they lift it with this amazing stage play cut with the real characters. I am really psyched to see the finale.

GooseBoils 3 points 3 years ago.

kind of bangs hard

msi2021 3 points 3 years ago.

season 2 starts this sunday, zendya and hunter schafer are excellent. only watched this has eric dane (last ship) was in it but stayed for rue and jules relationship

jillill 3 points 3 years ago. 5/5 stars.

best show

Odie -2 points 3 years ago.

I honestly dont see the appeal of this show unless your a preteen of course. ITs just 30 year olds acting as 16 year olds actings like 20 year olds. Sure if your 10=15 watching this its gonna be great, but if your an adult watching this… its just kinda weird in my opinion.

DoubleR-Alpha 0 points 3 years ago. 1/5 stars.


BladesofTroy 2 points 4 years ago.

A ‘special’ Episode has just been released. The show is not being posted the special is.

[removed by a moderator]
BladesofTroy 4 points 4 years ago*.

If you dont like it ignore it, turn the other cheek and forgive them. Judge not lest ye be judged.

Jhigh03 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

thats a riot coming from you.

BladesofTroy 5 points 4 years ago.

Isnt it though? but then I dont buy into silly bronze age morality tales…

Jhigh03 0 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

but its oh so important for you to shit on others. Don’t care what u believe, just don’t know why you care what others do. And ur supposed moral superiority on that matter is only one example in which my comment was alluding to.