Sometimes life will surprise you. This refreshingly honest and provocative series follows a unique ensemble whose paths cross and their life stories intertwine in curious ways. We find several of them share the same birthday, and so much more than anyone would expect. From the writer and directors of "Crazy, Stupid, Love" comes a smart, modern dramedy that will challenge your everyday presumptions about the people you think you know.
- Currently 72.09876543209876/5
(81 votes)
Ah, the brilliant complexities of family, relationships, and life. Deeply moving. Didn’t take me long before I felt invested, wanting to understand more from the past and see what will happen next. I would put this in the same genre and caliber with the shows Parenthood and A Million Little Things.
💯% spot on!!!! I ✔completely✔ agree with 8STORY8!!! 5 out of 5 stars and 2 👍👍!!!
This is not only one of my favorite TV series in the drama category, but truly one of my all time favorite shows! This series is inspirational, heart-wrenching, and as 8STORY8 put it so well, “deeply moving!”
The individual storylines are so interesting and are great all on their own. But also, each separate or stand alone storyline is completely intertwined with all of the other ones and then also with the overall plot. The ways in which the writers have done this, how they have executed it all is truly amazing- and IMO part of this show’s “magic!!!”
The characters are so… well, to put it succinctly,, so human! 😉☺ They are all very intricately and simply “human”- they’re all complicated and complex people who are brilliant and are also flawed, damaged, works-in-progress. These characters are all the things that us mere mortals are in “real life.” And I think I love this series in part due to the characters seeming so real. They are depicted as 100% perfect and imperfect but not done so in such an obviously fake, cheesy or unnatural way as how some other characters are portrayed in other fictional dramas.
The writting is utterly superb! All of the dialogue is without a doubt, some of the best around, and seems to just “fit” like how the last piece of a puzzle fits. (And all of it executed in a way that it comes off a real, and natural.)
I’ve become so attached and invested in this family! I can’t wait to watch the past, present, and future of these stories and see how they unfold!
The only downside to this series is that now the weekly wait, for the next episode, begins again! 😊☺❤
Agreed! The writing is so thoughtfully complexly layered and interwoven, yet at the same time relatable, understandable, real, which makes this show stand above so many others like it. Superb creativity here.
wow. just wow. smh. Didn’t your mama teach you that if you didn’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all? IF you possess a heart, AND watched this show, you would agree with that ‘cheesy’ description.
Don’t say anything at all? the comments are about what viewers think of the show, we can critique it and say why we don’t like it.
I agree with the poster it’s cheesy, always trying to tug at the heart strings. We watched the first two series and thought it was good, then started watching series 3 and it’s “oh here we go again, the same old” just wish they wouldn’t keep going back in time, that father is just too good to be true.
Not everyone loves this series. Two seasons ENOUGH
Ah the irony…
lol Okay, have you watched this show? I guess I assumed you didn’t watch/like it, because 8story8 was spot on with that description.
Hi Lilly! I think it is way better than A million little things, and much more realistic, though I enjoy that show as well. @8STORY8
A million little things, the same story line as this is us except instead of a family it’s friends. The same theme, the tug of the heart strings, men crying all the time.
Yea! It’s back!
THIS IS US returns for Season 4 on Tues - 9/24
See the Official Trailer HERE
I checked out a handful of episodes of this because a friend recommended it, on the basis that I tend to like “slice of life” stories about average people.
Firstly, I’ll say that the acting is rather good (for the most part), and there’s some little bits here and there that really are touching.
The main issue for me is that it’s so formulated—- it just feels like watching a combination of every romance/“story of a family” film. Or an extended “Hallmark Channel” movie. It all felt very predictable, but in all fairness I didn’t watch an entire season. Reminded me a lot of “7th Heaven”, so perhaps that’s why I found it less relatable than others.
Think this concept would’ve worked better with a more naturalistic style of acting, more average-looking, less “polished”-looking people. I know that’s not really a thing in American television, but I wish it were.
This type of story is hard to get into when you’re very, very aware you’re watching a tv show the entire time. Just didn’t really do it for me.
The proper grammar is, “This Is We.” People can’t use there own language correctly anymore!
It’s ironic that you criticize the phrasing while butchering the spelling of your complaint. It’s “their” own language, not “there”.
…technically that would be a grammatical error rather than a spelling error though. (I hope you know I’m not being serious :P )
Yes, good catch.
That’s what I get for trying to be smart!