This Is Us (2016)
cloroxbleach 1 points 4 years ago.

I checked out a handful of episodes of this because a friend recommended it, on the basis that I tend to like “slice of life” stories about average people.
Firstly, I’ll say that the acting is rather good (for the most part), and there’s some little bits here and there that really are touching.
The main issue for me is that it’s so formulated—- it just feels like watching a combination of every romance/“story of a family” film. Or an extended “Hallmark Channel” movie. It all felt very predictable, but in all fairness I didn’t watch an entire season. Reminded me a lot of “7th Heaven”, so perhaps that’s why I found it less relatable than others.
Think this concept would’ve worked better with a more naturalistic style of acting, more average-looking, less “polished”-looking people. I know that’s not really a thing in American television, but I wish it were.

This type of story is hard to get into when you’re very, very aware you’re watching a tv show the entire time. Just didn’t really do it for me.