This Is Us (2016)
PacificLilly 3 points 5 years ago.

💯% spot on!!!! I ✔completely✔ agree with 8STORY8!!! 5 out of 5 stars and 2 👍👍!!!
This is not only one of my favorite TV series in the drama category, but truly one of my all time favorite shows! This series is inspirational, heart-wrenching, and as 8STORY8 put it so well, “deeply moving!”
The individual storylines are so interesting and are great all on their own. But also, each separate or stand alone storyline is completely intertwined with all of the other ones and then also with the overall plot. The ways in which the writers have done this, how they have executed it all is truly amazing- and IMO part of this show’s “magic!!!”
The characters are so… well, to put it succinctly,, so human! 😉☺ They are all very intricately and simply “human”- they’re all complicated and complex people who are brilliant and are also flawed, damaged, works-in-progress. These characters are all the things that us mere mortals are in “real life.” And I think I love this series in part due to the characters seeming so real. They are depicted as 100% perfect and imperfect but not done so in such an obviously fake, cheesy or unnatural way as how some other characters are portrayed in other fictional dramas.
The writting is utterly superb! All of the dialogue is without a doubt, some of the best around, and seems to just “fit” like how the last piece of a puzzle fits. (And all of it executed in a way that it comes off a real, and natural.)
I’ve become so attached and invested in this family! I can’t wait to watch the past, present, and future of these stories and see how they unfold!
The only downside to this series is that now the weekly wait, for the next episode, begins again! 😊☺❤

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 4 years ago.

Hi Lilly! I think it is way better than A million little things, and much more realistic, though I enjoy that show as well. @8STORY8