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Season 4 really started on a high. Lets see how they can twist the plot to sustain this intensity.
2 hr finale next week and honestly, I don’t know about anyone else but for myself, I won’t miss it. Not even a little.
Was watching this got to the end of season 4 and got bored. If someone knows the answer to this let me know. How did her brother roman? I think his name was know all that stuff to make new tattoos for that matter how did her mom know all that stuff to make the tattoos on the first place. Don’t think it was ever explained. The entire US government nor anyone else had any idea about the info from the tattooes. So how did a terrorist group her mother made know all that. Then later her brother working alone did the same thing with information that he couldn’t have known. Unless I missed something.
Um, episodes 9 & 10 of season 5 will both air on July 9th. The series finale, episode 11, will air on the 16th.
Season 1-2-3 was amazing, but they are pushing it with season 4. It should have ended with season 3.
I actually liked the final two eps..(been a long time since I’ve really been able to say that about Blindspot)…still leaves me wondering about the Very end tho…was that for real or……
Ok, now I’m confused. I read a week ago (on some tv site) that this WAS the end of blindspot. Now, I go to read the recap and there
IS a season 5 wrap up. It confirms what I was thinking about this ending but I’m confused as to why that site would say this was it? Oh well, At least I’m curious again about the show….btw, for the record, I actually liked the way this ended as it’s not often what you see, but, I guess it’s not after-all.