The story centers on Minato Kiyoumizu, a boy who quit playing water polo after an incident during the winter of his third year of junior high school. After entering high school, he makes a promise and decides to try water polo again and join the school's team with his friends. However, the new team will run into problems along the way...The story centers on Minato Kiyoumizu, a boy who quit playing water polo after an incident during the winter of his third year of junior high school. After entering high school, he makes a promise and decides to try water polo again and join the school's team with his friends. However, the new team will run into problems along the way... |
Ratings: | TVMaze: No Rating | |
Released: | July 3, 2021 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
AKA: | リメイン | |
Countries: | Japan | |
Companies: | MAPPA Lantis Bandai Namco Arts TV Asahi | |
AmieWarren : No joke! I thought this episode looked familiar, and that Hudson looked way too young. Is ...