Welcome to Flatch is a half-hour mockumentary inspired by the BBC Three format, originally created by Daisy May Cooper and Charlie Cooper. The show follows the daily lives of cousins Kelly and Shrub Mallet, who are trailed by a documentary crew who go to a small town to study young adults and their current concerns in an idiosyncratic surrounding. The show follows the pair as they pursue their dreams, confront challenges and fight each other for frozen pizza. |
Ratings: | TVMaze: 3.6/10 | |
Released: | March 17, 2022 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Comedy | |
AKA: | This Country | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | FOX Lionsgate Feigco Entertainment FOX Entertainment BBC Studios Perkins Street Productions | |
Cast: | Seann William Scott Jaime Pressly Aya Cash Sam Straley Taylor Ortega Chelsea Holmes Justin Linville Krystal Smith | |
Crew: | Paul Feig Jenny Bicks Angie Stephenson Dan Magnante Rachel Mason Barbara D'Alessandro Charlie Cooper Daisy May Cooper Cathy Mason | |
Tomasthedog : ok so far it's actually pretty entertaining ngl