When a documentary crew sets out to explore the lives of residents in a small American town – their dreams, their concerns – they stumble upon the midwestern town of Flatch, which is made up of many eccentric personalities. It's a place you want to visit and maybe even stay. If there was a decent motel. Which there is not. The whole town attends the annual Scarecrow Festival, where cousins and best friends Kelly and Shrub compete in the festival events. |
Title: | Pilot | |
Air Date: | March 17, 2022 | |
Runtime: | 30 min | |
Genres: | Comedy | |
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Version 1 179.4 MB | dood.watch | 0 views | Report Link | ||
Version 2 179.4 MB | dood.watch | 16 views | Report Link | ||
Version 3 | streamwish.to | 7 views | Report Link | ||
Version 4 | filelions.to | 3 views | Report Link | ||
Version 5 | streamvid.net | 3 views | Report Link | ||
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shadowdragon : How did this steaming pile of garbage of a game get an episode? Oh, right, it's made by Am...