Based on Aldous Huxley's groundbreaking 1932 novel, Brave New World imagines a utopian society that has achieved peace and stability through the prohibition of monogamy, privacy, money, family, and history itself. 

  • Currently 77.45454545454545/5
(55 votes)
Ratings: TVMaze: 7.2/10
Released: July 15, 2020
Genres: Drama Sci-Fi
Countries: United States
Companies: Peacock UCP Amblin Television David Wiener
Cast: Demi Moore Jessica Brown Findlay Nina Sosanya Harry Lloyd Alden Ehrenreich Joseph Morgan Hannah John-Kamen Kylie Bunbury Sen Mitsuji
Crew: Jeff Russo Darryl Frank Justin Falvey Junie Lowry-Johnson Chris Thompson Libby Goldstein Aldous Huxley David Lee Thomas Horton Brian Taylor Grant Morrison 15 more

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expresso 9 points 4 years ago*.

Apparently you either love this or meh it. As a series standing alone, I thought it was excellent. It’s compelling and fast paced, it’s visually stunning, and the acting was appropriately superficial with a layer of nuance underneath. It’s eerie how much of the pathology in these two worlds and their societies is literally outside our front door, this week, today. This is not faithful to the book and if you’re looking for that this will probably piss you off. It’s more like a 2020 riff on the themes and building blocks and moral questions raised by the book - which was written almost 100 years ago and feels like it was written today. Huxley’s vision was amazingly prescient. We now have ever-more-sophisticated AI, wearables, facial and microexpression recognition, global network connectivity, and the largest country in the world has a centralized mass digital ranking system which is compulsory for all its citizens and eliminates personal privacy. It’s one step away from doing this by mobile devices to attaching it to your head. This level of technology is very near on the horizon and we will face the same issues and choices when it evolves into us. 5/5

MonkyNutz 4 points 4 years ago.

Thank you for the in-depth review expresso, was going to pass on this but now i’m reconsidering.

bevnick 7 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

I don’t know where that rating came from but I’m 3 episodes in & BNW is really good!

TreeofWoe13 5 points 4 years ago. 4/5 stars.

I’m on episode 3. Good show so far in my opinion. You do have to kinda get past the seemingly over/under acting of the New Worlders at first. It’s odd, but brilliantly intentional due to the “utopian” concept and the ultra snooty Alphas. I think most folks will catch that pretty quick though. Great to see some of the familiar faces too!

bevnick 5 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

I’m on ep 3 as well, it’s gettin’ gritty fast. Speaking of familiar faces, it’s nice to see you too Tree.

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ShadowWolf 1 points 4 years ago. 4/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

I 100% agree, I’m a recovering addict and when I look around at the world and this self help movement… I see a bunch of struggling addicts desperate to be happy but they have no idea how to get clean! They look down on us addicts only thinking of the ones who are still suffering but never think to turn to ones who are recovering to ask…how did you do it? Most believe recovery is only for drug addiction. Drugs have nothing to do with it, that’s the funny part most people don’t understand, it could have been any one of those things listed above, It’s not the drugs that are the problem , we are the problem, our thinking is fucked up. We have to learn a new way of thinking because if nothing changes then nothing changes! No one ever stops and wonders…how do drugs addicts come from literal hell one day and then go on to live truly happy, and a lot of the time, even more well adjusted- successful lives then most!? We call ourselves the lucky ones, if we wouldn’t have fallen then we wouldn’t have had the chance to find the gift of recovery. Recovery teaches simple principles, I was pissed and felt so stupid when I started practicing recovery, I wondered how the hell I was never taught these tools and principles in a formal way growing up? Principles most people overlook, because they know the meaning of the words that they are not relevant to their problems, but there’s a difference between knowing and knowing, when your taught the proper meaning to the words and you learn the tools associated with those words and start putting them into action, that’s where the true magic happens, where you experience their meaning… That’s true knowledge because knowledge is useless unless you use it, simple words gain a whole new meaning and you can’t believe you overlooked their value, this whole time serenity and contentment were sitting right before your eyes. You just didn’t have the awareness or the proper teacher. I know I never even stood a chance in hell when life hit me hard, I was just surviving before I found recovery, I had hardly any healthy coping skills and when real pain hit I was defenseless. We stay an anonymous society to avoid controversy because the stigma attached to addiction. A new way has been hiding in plain sight all along , sure there is help out there but it’s just a bunch of mixed matched puzzle pieces that most people don’t understand how to put together, or in what order, to truly obtain that spiritual awakening everyone is in search of! I want us to come out of the shadows and start teaching others how because meditation and yoga will only bring you so far, they are just pieces of a much bigger puzzle. Recovery teaches the foundation of good mental, emotional and spiritual health, it’s so deceptively simple you might feel you already know the principles that are taught, easily dismissing the teachings and feel it’s only for addicts. So many people are in total denial or can’t bear to lower their standards and admit they need help because they’re addicted, also the fact recovery is pretty hardcore and not everyone can build up the courage to do and not to mention the shame addiction carries is heavy! WAKE UP people… Who cares what others think, they are probably feeling the same way, your not alone!Everyone always talking about how woke they are but can’t even accept the fact they have problems in the first place! Just putting on that fake smile,thinking this is it… there is nothing more in life, not knowing there is another way… Many ways …just saying … wouldn’t it be funny if all the sudden everyone was turning to recovering addicts for help and support! To be taught just like we are, one addict helping another but instead it could just be one person helping another person…and it would go on and on …I wish this would happen, taking away labels and just help one another….recovery isn’t just for the elite fuck ups of the world! You can learn a thing or two and strengthen that weak ass foundation your trying to build your dream home on! Sorry to go off I just couldn’t help myself I feel so passionate about this… Worried about the kids and these video games too! We a creating a whole new generation of addicts, dependent on tech with zero social, coping or even life skills… Growing up used to instant gratification and doing whatever they please, being handed whatever they need, thinking they are owed something, without decent boundaries or what real human connection is, thinking having friends on Fortnite is the same as having a friend you see in person… The list goes on … It starts with us, we must be the example and bring back the lost childhood of playing outside… Before cell phones and the internet! Let’s start a lost childhood movement lol make it the new fad so everyone will want to do it! Whatever works! Lol my ranting is over thanks….🙏😁❤

HeavySmoker 3 points 4 years ago.

DEMI MOORE ~ Still Hot :)

Killion 3 points 4 years ago. 4/5 stars.

Weird shit. I liked it? Great SciFi and acting was superb, but the storyline was mediocre. Worth a one time binge for sure though.

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Saucer-People 4 points 4 years ago.

I thought the same! It’s four episodes in and I’ve only just come across it now - I’m a huge fan of the book and it’s going to be interesting to see how it compares to the 1990 TV adaptation which I thought was excellent.

Snowdrop 2 points 3 years ago.

As a huge fan of the book, I would love to see a series based on it exactly (or a close as possible). With the freedom of ‘time’ you get with a series, I’m sure it would turn out really good and they would be able to delve into the storyline in a way to keep the audience interested. I think I’m going to read the book again it’s been years since we were made to read it as part of our English Literature class :)

yonkk 2 points 4 years ago.

So what is in the BOX. To start a new world with a twist. AN APPLE

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xerox 6 points 4 years ago*. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

Hi,just in case you don’t remember in the book itself children are taught with erotic games and have their minds programmed to be hyper sexual via mind control and torture, the book itself does describe orgies. Sex IS used as a foundation for their society.

somniloquist 6 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Yes, but apparently some of us are on a very tight schedule and only have two minutes a day for nude women. Get ON with it Aldous Huxley, geez!

xerox 3 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

That was very funny, thank you.

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Snoop 2 points 4 years ago. 1/5 stars.

Unfortunately terribly boring, with highschool fanfiction level writing and the cast is all wrong.

HeavySmoker 4 points 4 years ago.

Sorry i must disagree..i think its pretty good :)

Snoop 1 points 4 years ago. 1/5 stars.

Hey no problem. To each their own.

grasshopper rex 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I’m glad I stuck with it. It seemed kind of cheesy and overacted at first, but I would imagine that in a society where nothing much is really new that forced enthusiasm and strained joviality would be quite normal. As to it being true to the source material, I rather enjoy watching the classics reimagined as long as it is done well. I have to wonder if those that didn’t care for it actually stuck it out to the end and if they hated it so much then why did they?

Only!Tigger 2 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

Friends are better with drugs are better with friends. LOL

Great White Bwana 1 points 4 years ago*. 2/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

What a waste of electrons! It’s almost as though the entire concept was conceived by an Episilon-minus semi-moron.
This is “based on the novel by Aldous Huxley” much in the same way that the vastly superior “Demolition Man” was, and bears as much resemblance to the source material (ie: very little). Grant Morrison evidently does not have much to offer when he isn’t using other people’s work as a basis for his sub-par attempts.
If you wish to watch a faithful adaptation of Huxley’s work, the TV movie from 1980 (which may also be viewed on Primewire) is the definitive version.

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nowt 1 points 4 years ago. 2/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

At least Grant Morrison’s trying to earn enough juice to get The Invisibles made anyway.

somniloquist 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

You just want to see a Moonchild.

nowt 4 points 4 years ago. 2/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

I just want to see all that cover art as subsequent scenes.

somniloquist 5 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

Just eat some mushrooms and read it again. That counts.

nowt 6 points 4 years ago. 2/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)

YKWTS: Feed me mushrooms once, shaman you.

locqz78 1 points 4 years ago. 5/5 stars.

I absolutely loved it. Binge watched in one day. I came here for Joseph Morgan, but I was not disappointed by the other actors at all. I never read the book and based on reviews I’m kind of glad I didn’t. It makes you enter into the series with expectations setting you up for a possible let down. I do hope there is a Season 2.

Fangaliel 1 points 4 years ago*. 4/5 stars.

Was a Big fan of the book as a teenager and it’s part of those books like “Gattaca” or “1984” or “Lords of the flies” that just mess with your mind big time.
For those who read it, this serie is “inspired” by it but not respecting the same plot just the main “subject”, the book is much darker, deeper and its ending too.
The actors are good, the plot, not taking its source inspiration in account is not bad at all, and it’s a bit like opera, or you’re ready for it and you’ll love it or you’re not and you’ll hate it. oh and the prudes be aware they do the Nasty allot :p
I must say I had higher expectation for the ending tho ;) the “box” is a a bit WTF for me…

2dangerzone 1 points 3 years ago.

What became of the second season?? I follow a website that posts about new, returning & cancelled shows. Their was an announcement that a second season was following. Yet I’ve seen & heard nothing since.