Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter stumbles upon the aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong and over two million dollars in cash near the Rio Grande.
I love the Coen brothers movies because they really know what they’re doing when writing and directing. I love the feeling that is kept throughout the movie and I love Tommy Lee Jones acting and the stories that the character brings up and the feel of it all. A pure awesome ride which makes me think of real life and not this which we usually get, this good ending and all is good forever. No more like reality of what life is. We have good and bad.
Javier Bardem is an excellent actor. He plays the psychotic killer perfectly. It would be easy to over play it, making the character over the top whacko. He doesn’t. He plays it almost normal. Just crazy at the edges. Good story. Well acted by all. Not a typical happy ending. Solid 4/5.
This is a stand alone film based on a novel. It is the only novel by Cormack McCarthy that the Coen Brothers directed. Or do you mean trio like Edgar Wrights “Three Flavor Cornetto trilogy”: (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The Worlds end) Just done with different directors?
NoxllockZ0 points
5 years ago. 5/5 stars. (Contains Spoilers)
no im sorry i dont know any of these you talk about,its because it looks like there was something going on before we join the story and the way it ended seems like there sould be more after.. it kinda starts and stops in the mids of things and i liked that.
A very good watch. The cast is wonderful in this, and the direction and writing are awesome. Over all its a very well produced film.
I love the Coen brothers movies because they really know what they’re doing when writing and directing. I love the feeling that is kept throughout the movie and I love Tommy Lee Jones acting and the stories that the character brings up and the feel of it all. A pure awesome ride which makes me think of real life and not this which we usually get, this good ending and all is good forever. No more like reality of what life is. We have good and bad.
Me too. I also love O brother where art thou. The Ladykillers is also done well, but the first one I mentioned is my fave
Damn I forgot that movie. Had to look it up.. but yes of course its a Coen movie. hehe Need to check that movie again ! :D
The mob guy in this film is relentless, his determination is almost in a twisted way to be admired.
Javier Bardem is an excellent actor. He plays the psychotic killer perfectly. It would be easy to over play it, making the character over the top whacko. He doesn’t. He plays it almost normal. Just crazy at the edges.
Good story. Well acted by all. Not a typical happy ending. Solid 4/5.
so the film looks like its the second in a trio . and it has no music.. thats not bad,its a plus in my book 5/5
This is a stand alone film based on a novel. It is the only novel by Cormack McCarthy that the Coen Brothers directed. Or do you mean trio like Edgar Wrights “Three Flavor Cornetto trilogy”: (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The Worlds end) Just done with different directors?
no im sorry i dont know any of these you talk about,its because it looks like there was something going on before we join the story and the way it ended seems like there sould be more after.. it kinda starts and stops in the mids of things and i liked that.