Trailer / Trailer Trailer / Blu-ray Trailer Trailer / Blu-ray Trailer Trailer / Scarface (1983) - Teaser Trailer [HD] Teaser / 40th Anniversary Spot Teaser / Blu-ray Spot Teaser / TV Spot 3 Teaser / TV Spot 2 Teaser / TV Spot Teaser / Special Event Spot Clip / Scarface (1983) - Political Prisoner Scene (1/8) | Movieclips Clip / Say Hello To My Little Friend in 4K HDR Clip / Don't Bring a Chainsaw to a Gunfight Scene Clip / Push It to the Limit Clip / I Always Tell The Truth Bloopers / "Say Hello to My Little Friend" Outtakes Featurette / Making Of Scarface Featurette / Scarface's Lasting Legacy Featurette / Merchandising Featurette / Al's Close Up Featurette / 1932 Scarface Featurette / Al Pacino reunites with "Scarface" cast Featurette / Cast Reunion & Party Featurette / Extra: Al Pacino, "Scarface" & Overacting Featurette / George Lopez Does SCARFACE
my all time classic when i heard they were going to make a remake i threw up, seriously what is wrong with thses fools you cannot replace Tony Montana (Al Pacino)