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Father didn’t get home from work and mother had supper ready. Dad was a working man, and when he stopped at the sitting room of the little corner saloon some of the boys invited him to join them in a little card game. Mother sent little Clara and Willie to bring father home when the clock pointed to 7:30, but there was a piano in this sitting room and some music, and so the youngsters began to enjoy things. Eight o’clock and no father and no children. So mother sent Muriel, 8:30 and no Muriel, no father and no children, so grandpa was sent. As each one arrived, the gay little gathering in the sitting room invited them to become members of the party, and they began to have such a pleasant time that they forgot about supper being ready. The soup began to boil over, and so Grandma was sent. But when Grandma arrived there were some traveling musicians playing in the sitting room and she too joined in the gaiety. Finally mother herself decided to go. A timid policeman heard the uproar, when mother found the whole family having such a good time, she began to give them a piece of her mind. Mr. Cop thought it was a riot and calling some assistance, the entire family was arrested. On the way to the police station, they saw great clouds of smoke coming out of their home, and everyone went to the rescue to put out the fire. After fighting their way through the dense smoke into the kitchen, they discovered\that it was only the soup that bad boiled over.

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Ratings: IMDB: 0.0/10
Released: April 13, 1913
Genres: Comedy Short
Cast: J. Gunnis Davis

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