Christmas Is Here Again is a musical animated tale that follows the exciting journey of a young orphan girl, Sophianna, and her unlikely band of adventurers as they help recover Santa’s magical toy sack. Throughout her pursuit for the elusive sack, Sophianna teams up with a feisty elf, an ambitious young reindeer, and a fox and polar bear duo. In the tradition of The Wizard of Oz, our young heroine and her allies each discover their potential for compassion, loyalty and the importance of never losing hope. |
Ratings: | IMDB: 5.2/10 | |
Released: | October 19, 2007 | |
Runtime: | 74 min | |
Genres: | Animation Adventure Comedy Family Musical | |
Countries: | United States | |
Companies: | Easy To Dream Entertainment Asylum Hill Productions LLC Renegade Animation Renegade Animation Easy To Dream Entertainment | |
Cast: | Edward Asner Kathy Bates Jay Leno Madison Davenport | |
Crew: | Robert Zappia Marco Zappia Darrell Van Citters | |
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Version 2 704.2 MB | | 5 views | Report Link | ||
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