kas1965 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Well I was not surprised by either of the finalist. Who the heck do they get next season ...
Danfis : Rich guys trading toys. Miss the old days.
ErichKlopfton : I donĀ“t get it. Is this over, now? Last episode, new season? I started to actually like th...
Boraes : Why do they cancel great shows that people actually like yet still churn out 15+ series of...
Matteus : so fun loved this series, engage the core.
med109 : Tippi was Melanie Griffith Mom. Melanie also played Tippi's daughter in the movie, the fat...
deadwalker : Bored?
kavik75 : Beautiful movie
Odie : Age restriction? You do understand kids can just lie about their age online right? Sometim...
MP8219 : I would have DEFINITELY taken that money.