Piglet : Looks like we'll have to wait until 2026 to see season 2.....deep sigh goes here.
yellow_rose1 : oh wow I've been trying to find this for years. Almost a decade. Thank you so so much. Fin...
Piglet : Are you ready for this? There is a spin off in the works for Frances Neagley! No title yet...
ffRyDe'85 : I want my 90 minutes back.
MelBert8929 : I love the color, especially the night scenes.
random000 : Industry insiders were said to have really liked it. As an animation fan, we liked it. The...
Can I pet that dawg? : Fantastic portrayal of the devastating harms of capitalism.
MP8219 : Jeeeeezus Chr*st this show is good!
Davidleefl43 : i loved it i was shocked when they canceled it
AstroJeston : For those who liked this series, there is a similar series of books where a couple of kids...
Piglet : Looks like we'll have to wait until 2026 to see season 2.....deep sigh goes here.