Thanks. I knew it was a prequel just wasn’t sure if I’d be missing out on a ton of “insider” info having not seen the original.
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WOW, the writers really upped the ante w/this episode. I was really hoping they could outdo themselves & they succeeded, at least for this 2nd season debut. Lots of black humor throughout, too. Acting is incredible. Looking forward to the rest of the season being as good or better.
Like Michael said, They don’t care about us!
I was constantly think of Flint, Michigan during this film. It happens in too many places in the states. Then I think about how California complains about their water crisis but still has the most water parks, marine animal parks etc.
Yes you can. This is a prequel to the original Dexter series so it will only enhance your enjoyment of the original if you watch it. This shows how Dexter came to be a serial killer. Enjoy!
Thanks. I knew it was a prequel just wasn’t sure if I’d be missing out on a ton of “insider” info having not seen the original.
I have sooooo many theories. 1. He’s dead 2. Nearly everyone he’s talking to is dead. 3. He’s institutionalized and everything is made up and 4. He actually murdered his partner I’m really hoping it isn’t #4
I knew there was someone else in the silo, in earlier episodes they would always position the camera at weird angles as if we were the “hiding eyes”. Recommendation: Binge watching silo is better than waiting each week. I tried to hold out, but I ended up binged watched the first 5 episodes. As to the other comments, this episode was not slow. I enjoyed the details and the uncovering that was presented.
This should never happen in a First world country. Absolute b.s
I have not seen Dexter (I know, I know). Is this something I could watch on it’s own or will it make more sense if I see the original series first? I will eventually watch Dexter just haven’t been in the mood for it but I’m always in the mood for Christian Slater so thought I could start here instead?
Yes you can. This is a prequel to the original Dexter series so it will only enhance your enjoyment of the original if you watch it. This shows how Dexter came to be a serial killer. Enjoy!
Why would I watch this and not just watch the original Dexter series?
Ummm, why is the baby Asian? Its eyes have epicanthal folds! lol
I have not seen Dexter (I know, I know). Is this something I could watch on it’s own or will it make more sense if I see the original series first? I will eventually watch Dexter just haven’t been in the mood for it but I’m always in the mood for Christian Slater so thought I could start here instead?
I don’t understand how they can come on the show & not be prepared for: design challenges, snatch game, the Reading challenge, the Roast, dancing/girl group challenges. How old is this series?!?! None of these are new. You need to KNOW the assignment smh
I agree, lad!
This is one of the very rare films were all of the films jokes not only land but land hard and will have alot of people laughing out loud.
OMG Just hearing the original song in beginning gives me the chills!!!!! :D
Sad Harrison won’t be in it.. I really liked him!!
…Yet, anyways!
I’m hoping they will tie Harrison in near the end of the season, so that he will be in Resurrection! I can see Dex teaching him the Code.
Oh no! Watch out, Watcher… wait…
I liked the wild west setting with plenty of anachronisms.
There was pen and paper, and you wrote a song. How was it reinvented? Guys stuff was awful, but that’s just me. Not everybody likes the same stuff, so there’s that.
No one ever wrote songs like Masters of War, Like a Rolling Stone, Highway 61, Visions of Johanna or Subterranean Home Sick Blues before him. No one ever said anything like that in songs before.
I’m sure I would have enjoyed the movie but the sound quality was horrible so we couldn’t watch it
Ghodz I love this movie. Magical fantasy, drama, adorable characters. Brownies for breakfast. Stiped stockings. It has it all.
Wow, this film exceeded all my expectations and is easily the best out of the three. I don’t understand the negative reviews and I’m so glad I ignored them.
The action was great, the story flowed well and there were some genuine heartfelt moments.
VidSrc does. If you don’t know what that is
A lot of this show is in German, yet none of these links have a subtitle option.
VidSrc does. If you don’t know what that is
After the ending, I needed more information! I understand that they were trying to honor the victims. But I wanted to know how they changed the way they investigate. There’s been quite a few mass murder cases, that took years to solve. I recommend this series, it’ll haunt you.
I dont understand why sly want to do a piece of shit movie like this
ailing health from multiple surgeries since a 2010 accident. He suffered severe injuries to his neck and shoulders which decreased his abilities he was once renowned for. He pushed himself over his limits and it backfired on him. So now he can only safely do movies that do not require a lot of stamina and physical altercation stunts. Therefore he is only taking on light films that can accommodate his physical weakness and debilitating health. Also consider his age, 78. He’s no spring rooster.
A lot of this show is in German, yet none of these links have a subtitle option.
@ 24:46 on looks like ron has a ???? boo boo going on for herminey ‘’!! lol
Definitely. I regret watching this week by week. Should have waited and then binge watched because it’s hard to wait!
Still don’t understand the “downvoting”. Some people are just weird..
Well, seems they have company…
Definitely. I regret watching this week by week. Should have waited and then binge watched because it’s hard to wait!
Still don’t understand the “downvoting”. Some people are just weird..
Sandler’s time has passed. I can’t even think of the last good movie he was in.
That’s one opinion and I can’t say I disagree, but a lot of people liked Hustle and Uncut Gems. Revisiting one of his most beloved characters could go either way, and I’ll reserve judgement until I’ve watched it.
Sandler, Ben Stiller, Julie Bowen, and Christopher McDonald will be reprising their roles from the original plus many cameos that I’ll not mention. Coming to Netflix sometime in 2025.
Sandler’s time has passed. I can’t even think of the last good movie he was in.
Sandler, Ben Stiller, Julie Bowen, and Christopher McDonald will be reprising their roles from the original plus many cameos that I’ll not mention. Coming to Netflix sometime in 2025.
This should never happen in a First world country. Absolute b.s
Looking forward to this, can’t wait until the next season comes around, the first one was really great….
That’s it?! Not cool to end it there!
Writers don’t want to give us peace of mind.
This will be awesome. Her deadpan humor is so….. British.
Thank you Diane Morgan.
Dexter’s new boss tells him that they’re basically running on a shoestring budget with minimal equipment, and in the very next shot there’s a freaking electron microscope (the orange thing in the corner behind the door). lol