ajkramer : Well, this one was a few degrees off the classic style and seemed to be less interesting. ...
keithlovestv : Should've been gone.
AstroJeston : Thanks. We'll have to see if that does happen. :)
mikebcarguy : 2 or 3 exquisite moments in this one. It's not Ted Lasso, but... adjacent.
bigguy01 : this is a comedy horror film with final destination vibes
MP8219 : "You're unsuccessful." lolooooloool
random000 : Monty Python has been refreshed with 135 new posts for alternatives. Have fun ㋡
PsyEnz : Such a missed opportunity to have an entire series dedicated to having sequel episodes to ...
The premise of this movie is simple enough to say the least. Which doesn’t really tell ya or give it away, if it will end up being a really good or bad movie.
So I’m very eager to hear more from our PW family! What did you all think about how it was executed, the acting, the dialogue, etc?!
Because of the comments thus far, I will likely give it a shot. (Thank yous to the comment poster! I wouldn’t even have given this a second thought if it weren’t for you!!) But unless I see a rave review in the near future, I probably will be only watching this on a “slow” day, when there isn’t much else going on. I’ll make sure to share my thoughts after I watch, sharing is caring! Thank you all again for your comments!! ❤💖