ajkramer : Well, this one was a few degrees off the classic style and seemed to be less interesting. ...
keithlovestv : Should've been gone.
AstroJeston : Thanks. We'll have to see if that does happen. :)
mikebcarguy : 2 or 3 exquisite moments in this one. It's not Ted Lasso, but... adjacent.
bigguy01 : this is a comedy horror film with final destination vibes
MP8219 : "You're unsuccessful." lolooooloool
random000 : Monty Python has been refreshed with 135 new posts for alternatives. Have fun ㋡
PsyEnz : Such a missed opportunity to have an entire series dedicated to having sequel episodes to ...
Why is it that when ppl give their honest opinion about something they don’t like, it gets automatically downvoted??? I agree, I came into it wanting to like it but it was OK. I’ll keep watching because of the sexy Sara Tomko!!!
hehe and you get downvoted for saying so! upvoted ya..