The Little Things (2021)
TX2Guns 2 points 4 years ago*. (Contains Spoilers)

This is one of those crime movies that you may be keen to write off early simply because of the lackluster beginning. I urge you to keep with it and pay attention. Denzel’s movies almost always have a theme and this one really drives it home in the end. Mistakes. We are all fallible and we all make them, sometimes even with the most honorable of intentions. How we live with them and navigate (or manipulate) the consequences is the meat of the story here. It reminded me a lot of The Pledge with Nicholson. Malik and Leto did a good job but Denzel was GOLD. He is getting to that point in his acting career where his body language and expressions are now intrinsically part and parcel of EVERY character he plays, kind of like Wayne, Newman or Bogart. Amazing. 5/5

NoelCoyotebleu 2 points 4 years ago. (Contains Spoilers)

I completely agree! this wasn’t some simple scary serial killer slash er up.. This was MAGIC, Complex, methodical, and heartbreaking, in places. (the scene with his ex) I was enthralled, by every single actor in this, even the minor ones. There wasn’t a final climax, but a series of them, throughout the movie… There was an end, but was it really the guy? and what about those boots!? I have questions! lol So well done. The sound track/music was spot on, and lent such an eerie tone, like the show The Outsider.