Angel's Egg (1985)
Saucer-People 1 points 4 years ago.

(Studio Ghibli aside) Along with Midori, Belladonna Of Sadness and Grave of the Fireflies, Angel’s Egg is my favourite Japanese animation film - I’ve lost track of the times I’ve watched it, there is something so mysterious about it, that it pulls you in again and again.
Trivia: a large section of the animation was included in the 1988 Australian sci-fi film ‘In the Aftermath’ which blends the original animation into live-action Mad Max style footage apparently shot in the Californian desert (which is strange considering this is an Australian film until you realise its essentially a half-made film clumsily edited with Angel’s Egg to create a full length feature!).
I wouldn’t have even mentioned the film but for its inclusion of a most beautiful piece of piano music called ‘Carnavalito Tango’ by the Argentinian pianist Horacio Moscovici which can be heard on YouTube last time I looked.