darklighter1 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. PREACH! You and me are gonna be friends.
grasshopper rex : did you report them?
Sassinak : neither link works anymore
footshot : wow tht ending caught me by surprise, Brilliant
burgermeister : Did you find any English subtitles for the parts in Vietnamese or just skip those parts? I...
mkmikas : jo bennett also made scavenger reign which was so excellent and more coming i hope. and fe...
ffRyDe'85 : Very intriguing. Will be worth watching again a few times to try and follow how up it's ow...
SheWatches : What else are you going to watch on Ground Hog's Day lol. I love it. Bill Murray is hila...
Twixtid : Thank you for the recommendation.
tamerlane : Classic!
TS just means Telesync. Not a whole not of difference between that and a CAM version to tell the truth, though it might be a tad cleaner with the volume. Depends on the quality of the equipment that is being used by the person that is in the audience filming the movie at the time, actually.
Don’t worry about the haters and the downvotes. No need to apologize to those people. Some people here are just gonna hate just to hate. Gave you an upvote to balance the scales.
I see.. I am really not the expert so thank you for explaining! Appreciate the upvote 😁 and was just clarifying that I really appreciate the site. Meant no disrespect to anyone really..
Thank you very much!