Reagan (2024)
pramwire 2 points 27 days ago.

That seems flawed since reagan was the top office during the downfall. The main culprits were destabilizing efforts in their currency paired with their military spending in an effort to keep up with the perception of our own technology and spending.
The notion that somehow he had “little to do with it” seems mad to my mind.
Most people of the time are fully aware reagans iconic words were mere poliocitcal posturing or being at the right place at the right time to make nice cheap empty words seem far more powerful than they are.
A very common non partisan political tactic.

Zman 4 points 23 days ago.

Sorry, but other posters here are quite correct. Reagan merely played off events of the time…and American gullibility. Soviet leaders stated later that Reagan had nothing to do with the collapse, that the USSR was effectively bankrupt in the early 70’s. Workers in the USSR had a saying, they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work. As others stated, the wall had already started coming down, a fact that the US gov conveniently neglected to mention…at all. Reagan was just a mouthpiece, GHWB was in charge. In fact, Reagan, just prior to his primary acceptance speech, said that Bush would in no way, shape or form be in his cabinet. Then he went into the back room and the reality of the situation was explained to him. He returned to the platform and announced Bush as his running mate. Look at his cabinet, Rummy, Cheney and most of the others were all also in Nixxon’s admin. Reagan’s admin was the culmination of long laid plans by the CIA, Mossad and international crime. If you doubt this, look at when KSA got F-15s from us. That would never have happened if Israel had not been on board. I know, my dad was in KSA for Peace Sun I & II. What is happening today is the culmination of those plans. As for your doubts, refer to your own words about ‘bias’. You have no facts, but have your beliefs.