Reagan (2024)
grasshopper rex 3 points 3 months ago.

Reagan got credit for supposedly ending the Cold War, but he actually had little to do with it, and his speech had nothing to do with the wall coming down when it did. East German leaders, in an attempt to calm recent protests, had decided on some minor changes that would loosen border restrictions a little, but the spokesman announcing them screwed up and made it sound like the new policies were immediately in effect, so thousands started converging on the wall. The vastly outnumbered guards got no answers when they asked what they should do so they opened the gate and the rest in history.

pramwire 2 points 3 months ago.

That seems flawed since reagan was the top office during the downfall. The main culprits were destabilizing efforts in their currency paired with their military spending in an effort to keep up with the perception of our own technology and spending.
The notion that somehow he had “little to do with it” seems mad to my mind.
Most people of the time are fully aware reagans iconic words were mere poliocitcal posturing or being at the right place at the right time to make nice cheap empty words seem far more powerful than they are.
A very common non partisan political tactic.