Reagan (2024)
grasshopper rex 15 points 1 month ago.

Iran-Contra, armed and trained the Afghan warlords that would go on to form Al-Qaeda. Tax cuts for the wealthy that caused a budget deficit, and he later had to roll back. Oh, and he robbed social security to pay for those shortfalls. Deregulation that caused a savings and loan collapse taxpayers had to pay for. The Reagan administration was responsible for slashing mental health spending and dumping the unwell on the streets. Supported dictators as long as they weren’t communists. Supported Apartheid. Thought AIDS was a punishment from god, so he did nothing to combat an epidemic killing thousands. The most corrupt administration in US history until a recent ex-president said hold my beer. The Reagan era marked the beginning of the end for the American Dreams of the middle class. Not a good legacy.

pramwire 0 points 1 month ago.

Saying he supported apartheid is a massive and disingenuous or perhaps carelessly ignorant presentation of his position on the matter. It was far more complicated and it began with him supporting it but other realities at the time meant he had to backtrack on his initial support.

He clearly made his opinions on the topic known in the kronkite interviews which tell quite a different and more complex and anything but absolute binary story.

Do tax cuts cause shortages or does spending cause them? Pure nonsense semantic debate imho. Of course then you attempt to reinforce your own biases by stating he then “robbed social security”.
Well when a budget comes up short things have to be done and reagan nor specific parties are guilty of the same time and time again.

“deregulation caused savings and loan collapse taxpayers had to pay for”
This is such a common theme lately in major to big to fail banks planes trains autos and so many more are commonly getting bailouts from federal tax money in the vein that we can’t let such major players fall and let natural economics and free markets and hard times impact us all.

Personally i don’t agree with that choice but i can see it is a valid concern to some degree in some cases.

“The most corrupt administration us history” is pure bias and unfounded by any of my efforts to support this claim. There are endless examples most of which aren’t from these two modern gop examples.

Go ahead and play around for a minute with things like most corrupt us presidency in history and see how many pages it takes to even approach the names trump or reagan?

We get it you disagree with many of his policies and actions or even failures therefore he is evil.

Still it seems like a stretch to talk about how things can’t be political and partisan rants should be avoided while displaying your own significant bias and hyperbole if not outright half truths and misrepresentations.

Reagans era did indeed mark the beginning of major downturns for the middle class but that had little to do with his direct actions or policies. In fact try a crazy fun experiment and search something like … did reagan negatively impact the middle class. The results surprisingly indicate quite the opposite with gains in the middle class.

Seems he isn’t the absolute worst villain of all time until trump in actual found facts without bias.

Not a good legacy to talk about partisan politics rants and bias while leaving this kind of result as far as i can tell.