Mayor of Kingstown (2021)
random000 3 points 21 days ago*.

Not voting is a vote. It’s a vote that says: No thanks, not voting for the lesser of two evils. Those who go to the slaves suggestion box and think that voting for one criminal syndicate over the other are the problem, not the solution. That doesn’t make you free. That isn’t democratic. It’s fascism by another name. Voting for Sam Giancanna or Al Capone is still a vote for a criminal organization that has a vested interest that no one has an acceptable choice.

A poll says that 20% of people would rather a meteor destroy the Earth rather than the current democan or republicrat be elected. That’s around 180 million people who voted with their feet that out of nearly half a billion people, they believe that the two criminals being presented as “a choice” are not valid choices. An actual democracy would have an enormous amount of political parties. There actually are. But most people don’t know about them since there’s a media blackout on everyone who are not part of the hijacked criminal political parties. At this point, those who vote for either are also criminals & should be deported along with the political cults they support so that actual real change can take place & real progress can move society forward instead of being gridlocked in record breaking do-nothing government that’s puppeteered by their corporate owners.

Throughout my lifetime, there has been no U.S. government. There has been an 18-wheel semi full of monkies on PCP that crashed into a nitrus truck full of drunk clowns. No one can force that idiocy upon me, not even upon pain of death.

random000 3 points 21 days ago.

Locally democracy & voting tends to work acceptably much to most people’s satisfaction. Nationally it’s a different animal. With that, there are plenty of examples on a local level where the will of the people was usurped in spite of voting results. Still - local voting is much more effective than national.