Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial (2024) S1 E1
ICMEINU -1 points 23 days ago.

Why do they keep perpetuating the Hitler/Nazi narrative?

Xanthippe 3 points 20 days ago.

Narrative? Seriously?

Are you implying the III. Reich, Hitler and his Nazi Regime didn’t do what history teaches us? Are you questioning the fact that they killed more than 17 million people (6,000,000 jews, 5,700,000 Soviet cilvilians, 3,000,000 Soviet prisoners of war, 1,800,000 Polish civilians, 312,000 Serbian civilians, 250,000 institutionalized disabled people, 250,000 Roma and Sinti, 70,000 repeat criminal offenders and “undesirables”, 3,000 homosexuals, 1,900 Jehovah’s witnesses) in a meticulously planned, well documented and industrialized fashion in concentrations camps, in prisons, during progroms, in hospitals and in special extermination camps? Btw, the number of killed German political opponents and resistance fighter in occupied arias has not been determined as of today. Add to that around 50 to 65 million deaths directly caused by WWII.

I recommend you start reading. Not only books on the history of the III. Reich but read the laws that Hitler and his regimes changed within 3 months after getting into power, read the papers and lists about the people that got killed in concentration and extermination camps: They list every name, what they had with them when they arrived, how many gold teeth were collected, how much hair was cut and how much skin was taken to make ropes, cords and leather, aso. Take a trip to Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, Ausschwitz and Buchenwald and have a guided tour. Visit any of the many exhibitions about the Nazi regime, their victims, their plans, … Listen to accounts of survivors - you will find them on youtube.