VICE News Presents: Epstein Didn't Kill Himself (2024)
grasshopper rex 5 points 22 days ago.

Is it really such a stretch of the imagination that overworked jailers might just be bad at their jobs, or jail equipment might be old and faulty? I can speak from experience that both are very possible.

The funny thing about conspiracy theories is that their believers don’t need any proof. Their feelings about it allow them to ignore any evidence or explanations to the contrary. They only seek out “information” that supports what they already believe, while condemning anything and anyone that proposes any other scenario. You can see that here. “If you don’t see this as I see it, you suffer from cognitive dissonance and lack critical thinking skills.” Almost everyone approaches things with a bias that blinds them, to varying degrees, to anything that doesn’t conform to that bias.

I don’t like cops, the rich, or perverts, but it is really not that hard to believe that this is exactly what they say it is.

mjjones1986 1 points 20 days ago.

After watching this doc. That is exactly what its about…Hence the quotations in the title
It’s all about how nobody seems to believe the most logical explanation and why that may be…Including thoughts from some psychologists and ppl on both sides of the coin of this conspiracy theory…Some more outlandish than others